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Today is part one of a two-part vlog series where I’ll show you how to meal prep 50 Large Family Keto Instant Pot Freezer Meals. Cooking in bulk doing once a …

47 replies
  1. Blake Wilson
    Blake Wilson says:

    I listened to the podcast you did with Jami Balmet about freezer cooking and had to come and check out your page! Iโ€™m completely inspired to try freezer meal cooking now !

  2. Mad Moon Mama
    Mad Moon Mama says:

    Hi! So I finally bought a little chest freezer hallelujah! I batch cooked all weekend and Sunday night my dear friend and I tried the Cabbage Lasagna that I made from your recipe. Now I made it without beef and used onion, mushroom and spinach in place but it was FABULOUS!! We were having a spiritual experience and it was the best lasagna I have ever had! Looking forward to eating all the other items I made from your recipes! Thank you so much!

  3. Kim T
    Kim T says:

    Another good thing to do is a pork loin; you can get those at the store premarinated and they are really easy to cook up and you can do more than 1 if you need to do it for a larger group.

  4. Michelle Evans
    Michelle Evans says:

    To be honest, I don't trust those online grocery services at all. I just bite the bullet and go to the store. I get what I want and there's no missing ingredients. The computer age promised us an easier life, yeah right, lol!

  5. Sue Mabeus
    Sue Mabeus says:

    Jamerrill, I appreciate your freezer cooking days, especially the keto/THM days. This set of two has great new flavors. Since I found your channel, rarely a day goes by that I don't watch. Thank you for being your true, authentic self. You rock! ๐ŸŒž

  6. Mz. Pringles
    Mz. Pringles says:

    So got me making large quantities and portioning them which I never do so next week instead of staying hours in the kitchen I can do other things. Thanks Jamerril…love fr Jamaica๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜€

  7. iTechWytch
    iTechWytch says:

    Hey there, sorry for posting so late in your dated video. But I came across your video. Dang. So much food. I was wondering, what exactly is the cawliflour replacing in your first meal. BTW, God I know i spelt that wrong. But inquiring minds wanna know.

  8. Getting Fit In Indy
    Getting Fit In Indy says:

    I love your channel!!! I'm married and it's just me and my husband (no kids yet) and when we do have kids, it'll be one and done – BUT I love watching your family and your channel and am SO happy you did keto meals!

  9. Carlitta Scarborough
    Carlitta Scarborough says:

    I just have to tell you…YOU ARE AWESOME, where were you went i was raising my children??? It's just me and my honey now, yet i watch ALL THE TIME. ( he laughs at me). Simply amazing Lady…SIMPLY AMAZING!!!

  10. Lillian Zhang
    Lillian Zhang says:

    I love these videos; I find it so fascinating to watch the planning and cooking/assembling process. It's especially entertaining to see it done in such large quantities! I do believe that your approach to health is misinformed. I would really suggest you to do more scholarly research into the consumption of meat and dairy products, especially when consuming it in such large quantities.

  11. Melissa Rowsell
    Melissa Rowsell says:

    Are you dyslexic by any chance? I noticed the way you spelt cilantro and italian were wrong but you just muddled up the letters. Im not trying to be mean, just curious my love xox๐Ÿ˜˜

  12. Emily Byrd
    Emily Byrd says:

    Jamerrill, I know this comment is late but I really hope you see it. What do you do if there is a kiddo who doesnt want what you cook? I'm currently battling my son every night because nothing I make is "good" even if it's his favorite thing.

  13. Alice M
    Alice M says:

    I love your videos and have been following your channel for a while
    I'm a qualified personal trainer so please just note that taking out all your carbs is dangerous. Your body needs it for energy and to repair itself. If you want to watch what you're eating that's perfectly fine, make better choice, wild rice, sweet potato, mash without butter/fat, whole wheat pasta, oats are all healthy carbs.
    And please don't stop making these lovely videos!


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