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YES, story time for all the things today! Also, the Mega Sale ends soon! GET IT ALL https://bit.ly/LASTWEEKMEGASALE in my biggest and so far the ONLY SALE …

47 replies
  1. Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table
    Jamerrill Stewart, Large Family Table says:

    Thanks so much for following along and dealing with me around here πŸ˜ƒ. Just letting you know I'm going to finally wrap up my 2021 Mega Sale this week. Be sure to GET IT ALL https://bit.ly/LASTWEEKMEGASALE in my biggest and so far the ONLY SALE for 2021! Freezer Cooking Packs & Guides, Slow Cooker Meal Plans, Sheet Pan Meals, and more here https://bit.ly/LASTWEEKMEGASALE – over 30 products with over 1,000 fantastic reviews from real families all around the world!!

  2. Crystal Edwards
    Crystal Edwards says:

    I never miss any of your videos on youtube! You are such an inspiration to Mother's by reassuring us it makes us better mom's when we take time for ourselves! You are such an amazing wife, mother, and teacher plus all the other things you do! God bless you for not being afraid to let the world know your love for the Lord!

  3. SharonLismanBaxter12
    SharonLismanBaxter12 says:

    You’re in my prayers sweet lady..I’ve been keeping my kidneys stable now, I’ve gotStage 3 kidney disease …Oh No !!!! I have a kidney stone lodged below my right side kidney too.But drink that water girl!!!

  4. Daryn Galbreath
    Daryn Galbreath says:

    I've had 3 spine surgeries, a svt ablation/cath, 1 calf and 1 achilles/heel(all within the last 7 years, still recovering from the achilles one,) and 3 oral surgeries…after the attempted ablation (I ended up with svt last year after a reaction to celebrex, but they couldn't get it to fire during the procedure) I slept for the rest of that day and the next, found out they gave me iv Phenergan because I usually wake up really nauseous after sx. I'm a nurse myself, don't like taking meds, especially pain meds but I must say I'm all for being knocked out lol

  5. Elle B
    Elle B says:

    I don’t have any kids and I have house help to treat myself. It is the best investment. I have a cleaning company come every other week, and then an β€œorganizer” come every other week. The organizer keeps everything tidy and in placeβ€” the fridge, the cabinets, pantry, clothes, closets, garage, etc.

  6. Jenny Bullock
    Jenny Bullock says:

    So pleased you got through your operation and continue to get better and stay healthy from now on. Terrible being in that much pain. You've done so well. Makes us so grateful to have good health and be pain free. You've had your guardian angel watching over you. Take things a bit easier for a while. Your body has been through a big trauma. Sending you lots of love. Xx

  7. Dawn NJ
    Dawn NJ says:

    I was in a major car accident when i was pregnant with my daughter. They prescribed me Vicodin with her during pregnancy due to my injuries. She came out fine an is 18 now n fine. She did have adhd but every child has that so cant blame it on my decision to take it. Your baby will be fine

  8. Brandy Harris
    Brandy Harris says:

    I’m wondering why, knowing that you’d be having surgery, that you didn’t pump and bottle feed your baby before your surgery? Have a stash of milk and have him bottle feed while you recover? Or does he not take to the bottle?

  9. barbie
    barbie says:

    Well you look good, glad it went overall well. Really helps to have doctors listen….prayers were answered thank you God, bless you and your family. Remember to take it easy surgery takes a lot out of a person. πŸ’—

  10. MsSamanatha A
    MsSamanatha A says:

    I've had lots of surgeries not that I go around saying I have a favorite or anything but with one of my foot surgeries I woke up while he was doing surgery I said hi…then the doctor said "goodnight" Glad you came through alright.

  11. April Bentley
    April Bentley says:

    The 1st time I ran across one of your vids, I didnt even know why I subscribed, but I did. Later, I realized you had a relationship w Jesus. ( It takes one to know one) Then I understood. But now, I just think you are the sweetest, most genuine, thoughtful person. Thank you for your entertaining, relaxing delivery. (And i dont even need/use the meals you work so hard to provide) But I do appreciate that you exemplify Christ to people. Thank you.

  12. poodlegirl55
    poodlegirl55 says:

    Glad you are doing better, loved your funny list! I think my grand daughter says a lot of funny things. This was proven when my daughter went to the school conference and the teacher said she keeps lists of funny things that my grand daughter says so she can tell her husband at night.

  13. Following Jesus For Eternity
    Following Jesus For Eternity says:

    Have you thought about you using your platform to encourage people about God’s word? Sharing the gospel and the truth of Jesus ? I imagine you would have a wide base of unbelievers and believers that you could encourage. Even a 10 minute coffee/tea chat with Jamerrill. You are such an encouragement to me. When you have spoken of your childhood you clearly didn’t come from a super great childhood, yet here you are a great YouTuber and encouragement to your family and others. Clearly God has blessed you and your lovely family. I know personally it doesn’t matter what you talk about but I love to listen πŸ’œ


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