🖤My New Kitchen Scale // #Etekcity #FirstImpressions

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Find the Etekcity scale on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3D45W1l Find me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/indigonili Want to send us something? Here’s our …

23 replies
  1. Roger Holloway
    Roger Holloway says:

    Hope you have better experience than we had of that brand bathroom scale. The nice part is, if you didn't like the weight shown, simply reweigh yourself, it will vary anywhere up to 5 pounds.

  2. M. Gregg
    M. Gregg says:

    I use my kitchen scale MULTIPLE times per day. AWESOME that your new one reads to the tenth of a gram!!! And hundredth of an ounce!!! I love my OXO with the pull–out readout, but it doesn't have those smaller measurements. SCORE!!!

  3. Kelly Enlow
    Kelly Enlow says:

    I bought the Ozeri ZK14-S back on Nov 20th, it was Amazon's Choice and has good reviews, BUT it doesn't have the light up display and I wish you had gotten this scale sooner. Oh well, no weighing my flour in the dark. Thanks for the review! Looks like a good unit. Oh, tip for anyone new to using a kitchen scale, if you have trouble with a plate blocking the display, put a bowl under the plate and use that Tare button to zero everything out. Now you should be able to see the display while adding items to the plate.

  4. Jennifer Grove
    Jennifer Grove says:

    I need a new scale and I like the 10ths of a gram feature. I also need it to last. After about a month with my current one, I lost the functions for ounces/pounds and it only does grams now – which is lucky for me since that's my primary. But since I use Cronometer and not all foods in that program have gram measurements, I have to fiddle with the program to change it and it's a pain in the butt. So, I hope you can remember to give us an update after about 3 and/or 6 months.

  5. OlderPennsylvanian-OP
    OlderPennsylvanian-OP says:

    Thanks for showing that scale. If you have issues with it after time, please let us know. I have the Pampered Chef scale and it doesn't keep to grams which really is annoying. All else is fine about it though. Have a great evening!

  6. Ram Anand
    Ram Anand says:

    America's Test Kitchen liked the Oxo with the pull out readout (so a big bowl doesn't obscure the view). They also liked that the platform came off for cleaning.

    Also – thanks for the head's up on the fried chicken recipe.


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