πŸ”΄ Cooking Time πŸ”΄ Let’s Make The Yummiest Meal!!πŸ”΄ LIVE

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give me easy cookin recepies pls. Merch: sheepxing.com LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/sheepxing Donation link: …

34 replies
  1. WhatYou'veBeenPrayingFor
    WhatYou'veBeenPrayingFor says:

    Fear is a spiritual test. Imagine choosing between having a healthy child in the future with your dream man, or a mutated kid who dies because of untested, cheap research chemicals in vape juice. Let me open up the Zen Koan for you. I once heard that "dreams are the language of God." [The other side of the known is the unknown; and God is truth. Anyone saying anything else is (full of shit and) more devolved in their understanding. I haven't found anything beyond my ability to comprehend. Like who is doing what. Symmetrically internally represented. The word Meta means transcendent. Some of this is intentionally beyond your ability to comprehend at this point in time…]

    I thought I had strayed into a dream…

    Actually I did have the most elaborately detailed dream about you specifically. (I am not the thought but the man behind it. And it's based on my own level of understanding.) In this dream I literally just woke up from, I saw your true form. All my other dreams during my life have had fleeting themes. But this one only had you. Wayyy too much to fit in this little box.

    But you were there. We ended up at a beach. We hid our weapons beneath the sand. (And you saw me for who I am. And I saw you for who you are.) A lot more happened during this dream, but I'm just describing the jist of it. I told you the secrets of my heart and you responded (without reacting). You revealed your true form. The other details I'll leave out. All my other dreams have been neither here nor there. But this dream only had one theme.

  2. Zordon
    Zordon says:

    Josie, don't cater to the degenerate viewers suggestions. You gotta be more assertive and have some self respect / pride, don' just do what people ask because they send some money, that is a slippery slope, you don't see aspiring streamers being folly to degenarate requests. BE MORE ASSERTIVE FFS


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