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Do you MEAL PREP on a BUDGET? In this EASY KETO / LOW CARB MEAL PREP FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY for the WEEK and keto batch cooking like a boss …

41 replies
    FREE TO FAMILY says:

    Do you struggle getting motivated like me? In this EASY MEAL PREP FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY for the WEEK and batch cooking like a boss episode we are cooking some amazing family meals for the week. LET's DO THIS!!!
    🔔SUBSCRIBE ➡ http://bit.ly/FREETOFAMILY
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  2. rebecca phillips
    rebecca phillips says:

    How do you cook your hard boiled eggs? There are so many different techniques but I’m always afraid they’re going to turn out with the green ring around the yolk or be underdone. And do you have any tricks for peeling them?

  3. Kristal S_119
    Kristal S_119 says:

    🥑 Came over from Nicole Burgess' channel. I like how organized your videos and info are presented. It's great to see your children helping in the kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Kim's you seem to be burnt out. Life gets tiring doing the same thing over and over again.
    My suggestion: Do something different. Take a break from batch cooking and make a super simple meal each day like crockpot meals. Maybe have everyone pick their favorite meal so you dont have to plan the week. Take a break Kim. Life is not easy and we all need some peace and calm in our life.
    I also think you need to go from being a mom and go on a date with your husband. It does not need to cost money. Go for a walk on the beach, talk or just hold hands and just be together, a wife and husband without kids. You need to feel like a sexy desirable woman. I kind of know because I need this too. I am in mom mode, cooking, cleaning grocery shopping, paying Bill's, blah blah blah.
    Just my thoughts. ❤😘

  5. papusna84
    papusna84 says:

    Today it was my cooking day.I made spagetti and pasta,curry and rice,roast chicken,vaggie soup,dumplings.That will last us till friday.T sent out shopping,do load of loandry and get house picked up also recorded two videos for my YT.Im definitly in ketosis,full of energi.

  6. Sandy Ocean
    Sandy Ocean says:

    Everything looks delicious! I made a baked spaghetti dish using spaghetti squash that came out really good! I also did a batch of spaghetti sauce and BBQ sauce. My husband has decided to get on Keto, as well, so I'll need to do some more baking, now. 🙂 Those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies look perfect!

  7. Dana Kessel
    Dana Kessel says:

    I always look forward to your batch cooking videos. I made hard boiled eggs, baked chicken thighs, your breakfast casserole, bacon, tomorrow I’m going to finish with your green bean hamburger casserole, your creamy chicken (crack chicken casserole with broccoli, coleslaw, and some cream cheese cookies! Thanks for motivating me to get it done! I smashed the Like button!

  8. AK Bauer
    AK Bauer says:

    Yup, not motivated yesterday leaving everything for today. Chicken fajita casserole, cooked chicken and gravy, Mississippi beef, pot roast and gravy. Cooked and frozen veggies already in freezer. Premade hamburgers in freezer. Salad fixings and salsa in fridge. Planning on more cooked veggies for the freezee next weekend. Would not be able to stay on keto otherwise.

  9. sandys7118
    sandys7118 says:

    Kim, thank you for being real with us! I got up today feeling down and had no motivation for anything. I have been stressed lately and just plain failing at everything. I watched your into and I got my butt up and went in and prepped my lunches for the week. Thank you!

  10. Kathy Vayo
    Kathy Vayo says:

    You look beautiful with or without make up and thank you for being so transparent and sharing that you deal with anxiety. I do as well. Perhaps you could do a video on how you deal with anxiety. That might be too personal.. Sorry if it is. I feel like the more each of us share, the more we can help each other.

  11. Deb Doker
    Deb Doker says:

    My batch cooking today( one handed as I have a 2nd degree burn on my left (dominant) hand) and alone since my 16 year old has a bad cold.
    Shredded beef taco meat ( for street tacos) w/homemade taco seasoning
    Teriyaki pork butt chops
    Boiled eggs for deviled eggs
    Mock-tato salad ( like potato salad but with cauliflower instead)
    BBQ chicken thighs
    Fat kid broccoli
    Veggie tray with homemade ranch dip
    3 ingredient peanut butter cookies
    For cheat day today: Potato soup and Cornbread
    We do low carb/high protein as I had gastric bypass surgery in 2013.
    Love watching you and your boys cook!

  12. Vai William
    Vai William says:

    Morning Kim, nothing wrong being true to yourself and been open about how you feel… But you know Kim, you really motivate me every day, like cooking, cleaning, eating and moving each day we love watching your vlogs in New Zealand our friend 🤗😊👀📺

  13. Julie Hadley
    Julie Hadley says:

    Thank you for another week of inspiration! Sometimes I like meal prepping but more often than not it turns into a chore and I just don't want to, so thank you for giving me the motivation to get down to business and get it done. Today we're batch cooking a LOT of our meats out on the grill (even though it's cold out). I seasoned them up yesterday so they've been marinating overnight, should be good! Also going to throw together a couple pans of a pasta dish for the b/f (he's not keto) to make my life easier on nights we eat different meals.

  14. Avocado& Megs
    Avocado& Megs says:

    We're heading to a birthday party this afternoon so I'm throwing some creamy buffalo chicken in the slow cooker before we head out. Making mini cheesecake bites right now to take to the party so I stay keto 😉

  15. jujube2407
    jujube2407 says:

    Feeling blah today too…put on my $15 amazon dress with pockets…mygirls just told me how BEAUTIFUL I looked in it… no hair or makeup…just a dress… heading to church and home to my freezer to figure out what I'm gonna batch prep tomorrow… 3 kids with science fair projects for the next 2 months starts today…pray for me yall!

  16. Maria Tsounakis
    Maria Tsounakis says:

    Thank you Kim for all you do!! You have been one of the most motivational people throughout my challenging journey. I look forward to your videos as I continue to learn something from you each and every time!! Sending hugs💞 and much thanks!

  17. Tiffany Young
    Tiffany Young says:

    Thanks Kim,
    Needed this today. Not feeling motivated, didn't want to fix myself up. Or meal prep today. I was debating in my mind if I would do it at all today. Than I watched this video and it got me motivated to do it. Its Sunday, and down with a cold, but doing it for my husband, kids and myself.


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