💰Your $1,200 Stimulus Check!🚦What you need to know now! Will you be eligible? Who GETS MONEY? 3/20

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The world is in financial distress. We could use some help and relief with such fast changes. Tonight at midnight our leaders should have a decision on the 2020 …

24 replies
  1. Morgyn Pierce
    Morgyn Pierce says:

    Guys, everyone needs to take a deep breath and start becoming informed. Evictions and mortgages are halted for now. Electric companies CAN NOT turn off your service. If these checks are issued get your bills caught up and put ahead if possible. These checks aren’t used to stimulate shit. It’s used to apologize for the giant fuck up (spare me the party bullshit, both sides are ridiculous). The stimulus needs to come 4-6 months down the road after the economy bottoms out.

  2. Provuze
    Provuze says:

    If your living on fixed income and don’t work, it’s not like you’re losing your job, what difference would it make. Of course they shouldn’t get it bc nothing changes for them. They’ll still live off the same fixed income.

  3. Clee4000
    Clee4000 says:

    I hear?

    The disabled, homeless, and unemployed. Get nothing at all! Not all disabled people. Like myself do not qualify for SSI or SSDI. And other? Disabled people who really need it the most.

  4. Chaparra J.
    Chaparra J. says:

    I've been watching all your videos, thanks for all the great info. My question that I wish I could get answered is, what about truck drivers, I'm a stay home mom with 4 boys, our only source of income is my husband who's a truck driver owner operator, I mean he literally can't stop working because he's our only source of income that brings money home, but then again he's getting exposed to all this, he crosses state from state back and forth every week, so my question is what can we do in this situation? I just wish I could just search somewhere where my question will get answered. Me and my boys are home 24/7 somewhat safe, but then worry for my husband who's on the road delivering produce loads to TX and we live in CA. Its just crazy what we are all going through. 🥺 I know.this shall pass, but for the mean time I also worry on what the future hold.

  5. Desire Love
    Desire Love says:

    My husband has cancer was just diagnosed in Nov and will be off for 3 months having a stem cell transplant. We have to wait til all this sickness is out of here but I am freaking out.

  6. Laurie B
    Laurie B says:

    P.S they are suspending student loans and interest and there was a article that I posted on my FB that you can suspend your mortgage payment up to a year like they did in Italy. I am calling my mortgage company Monday to find out.

  7. Diann Hazelton
    Diann Hazelton says:

    Bless all those who are having to make these decisions. Those on disability and fixed incomes are still struggling with kids at home eating extra food and using extra utilities.

  8. Laurie B
    Laurie B says:

    Hi Kimmy, Loved seeing you live tonight.Hubby listened to this video with me. President Trump said the would mail the checks without having to do the steps and each child will get $500. Here in Orlando and outside areas they are providing breakfast and lunch for the kids doesn’t matter what the income is you just have to wait in a car line. We already started making calls and will continue on Monday.Thank you for doing this video. Much love ❤️ Laurie( Grammie ‘s pampered pets.


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