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25 replies
  1. Sophia Smythe
    Sophia Smythe says:

    I had lunch out with friends yesterday after a year of no take out or dining out. I so enjoyed the company but for the first time in a long time, I felt like crap on toast last night. Grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion, told them no cheese and hold the bun but I still felt full, bloated and uncomfortable. Apparrently, I am fully adapted to my new way of life and am now fully committed to me and my health. Nothing to do with the haul thumbs up to anyone willing to take ME shopping with them, I can be a handful😋! But a bigger thumbs up to you for making me wake up to my needs, my worth and realizing, when it comes to happiness, I need to start with me. It's been the hardest part of my journey but the most rewarding. So thank you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.💙

  2. Sierrah j Martinez
    Sierrah j Martinez says:

    I forgot what my sisters and bro in laws said but they all said the whole shipping thing isn't affecting costco. Its inflation. Something like they shipments always come in. Unfortunately beef is only get more expensive because government is finding ways to prevent people from buying beef and dairy and pork by controlling and tacking on all sorts of fees and extra rules for companies that raise cattle.

  3. Marlana Polis
    Marlana Polis says:

    My mom used to have a dedicated armoire with our snacks and any back to school supplies. It was locked with a chain and padlock, no lie 😂 my brother would pick the lock to get to the snacks. My siblings were a handful. And the color pallet of those flowers are gorgeous

  4. Eunice Benedict
    Eunice Benedict says:

    Stupid question but will the prices go back down to a reasonable cost?!? I'm a senior citizen & worked hard doing my career but prices/wages were so much lower. Now that I don't have any chance of increasing my savings, I'm finding it difficult to get by. With old age medical expenses & rising food prices, it's a challenge to survive on a fixed income. Social security is increasing in 2022 more than in many past years BUT guess what, Medicare premiums are also increasing. So the net result is looking very bleak for next year! LOVE YOUR CHANNEL!!

  5. Andrea D. RN
    Andrea D. RN says:

    Zevia in my local store & Walmart is over $8/6 pack! No, I’m not kidding. I don’t buy it. I’m avoiding dairy right now & so far my stomach is happier. Everything has went up so much & it wasn’t hard to spend $200 yesterday. Over 1/2 of what I bought was cleaning/laundry things.


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