πŸ’β€β™€οΈ ❇️ πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Breakfast Room and Attitude Refresh πŸ’β€β™€οΈ || Linda Vater

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After being sick and feeling still lazy and lethargic, I decided that an attitude refresh was in order…and rearranging my breakfast …

40 replies
  1. Jeannine F
    Jeannine F says:

    Yes, I too make small changes and they do make a difference! Do make sure to rest Linda….I had that virus a few months ago and it taught me to stop and rest as I felt tired for quite awhile after the initial few weeks.

  2. David and Melody Osborne
    David and Melody Osborne says:

    I like the new changes but I do understand why you move everything back during the winter. I prefer to change some decor around with the change of the season but I don't really like moving furniture if I can avoid it. My hubs gets a little salty at moving furniture around as well.

  3. Julia Klucker
    Julia Klucker says:

    Glad to see you looking so good and you are back! I used to rearrange furniture all the time, when I was younger and physically able, so much so my Hubby nicknamed me Miss Mayflower! Now when I get something where I like it and it is comfortable living with, I leave it! Take Care, ✌️

  4. Shirley R
    Shirley R says:

    It absolutely does for me!! I feel accomplished in a way that motives me to tackle other unfinished things at home and work. Linda, it's so good to see you up again!!☺ I've prayed for your wellness, even as you get beyond the side effects from C-19. You look wonderful!🌷

  5. debby 2210
    debby 2210 says:

    It looks very nice but I do like the chairs in the other part of the room. Maybe get an ottoman you could put on casters to roll out of the way. Saw some fabulous textured ones at Home Goods. Sitting there while someone is cooking to be part of it is nice. Do you have a focal point out the window in the smaller area? A trellis with flowering vine? The table seems confining by 'hubs' chair. I love your house, your garden and your outfits & of course Stewart. ! Linda – you are the real deal. Take care and feel better soon!

  6. Beckysgarden5
    Beckysgarden5 says:

    Thank you for the inspiration on a refresh! I am also getting over being ill, just a stomach bug in my case, and was feeling my main living space needs some small changes. I think I will working on that this coming week when the weather is in the 90's and it's too hot to work in the garden. Glad you are feeling better Linda! And Stewart, really happy seeing you more in videos, you guys make a great team!

  7. Sue Hy
    Sue Hy says:

    Yes, simply moving furniture or rearranging a display makes me smile whenever I walk by. I even gathered all my coffee paraphernalia onto a tray on the kitchen counter and love it.

  8. GL Gardener
    GL Gardener says:

    Glad your back up and at it again. Enjoyed the changes in your breakfast room. When I want to start changing things around my husband usually finds other places or things to do….perhaps you could send Stewart over to help…LOL. I like the new location of the table so that you have a clear view of the garden. I indeed did give you a 5 star review on Amazon. Love the book.

  9. Sandy Bartlett
    Sandy Bartlett says:

    Your description of your husband’s attitude to change sounds like my husband’s. But thankfully they are fine with it when it’s done because yes, I do get a little pick me up from it! πŸ˜€

  10. Mary Schlotter
    Mary Schlotter says:

    So glad to see your feeling better. I like the table by the fireplace and especially the view to the garden. The loose natural florals on the table give the room a nice summer relaxed feel . I can see morning coffee or tea here. Just lovely. Take good care, slowly getting back to life. Good job Stewart !

  11. Harriet Woodward
    Harriet Woodward says:

    Hey there – I always like the things you do, and how you explain WHY you did them! Change is fun, and helps celebrate the change of seasons….Glad to see you put a lamp on the table between the chairs. I think the dining table would look good if it was turned so the 4 chairs are on the diagonal from the fireplace front (if it will work and fit for other reasons). Thanks for sharing this. Such a nice space.

  12. Deborah Van Eman
    Deborah Van Eman says:

    Linda I’m always changing things. It simply makes me happy. I get bored of things in the same place always and the change of seasons is my cue to rearrange things. Small changes make me happy even more then large ones.

  13. shirley prescott
    shirley prescott says:

    I too, recently flipped the dining room to the sunroom! It is a nice change for spring and summer, but like you, will change for the winter. We are so similar in how we love to live our lives. My husband says you are my twin. lol

  14. Peg Bro
    Peg Bro says:

    I love your change for the summer. I just love to putter and change things around, it is one of my favorite things to do. It always lifts my spirits. Love your tablecloth and will look forward to the link to purchase one. Love everything that you do, so glad I found you!


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