🐟Thoughts on Mono-Food Strategies #WellnessWednesday

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24 replies
  1. Enon Knives
    Enon Knives says:

    It's not about mono-foods; it's about real foods. People don't binge on non-starchy vegetables. People don't binge on meat. If you eat fruit as a desert after meals — and not as snacks — people don't binge on fruit. The more processed the food, the more people binge. You could say the more "boring" the meal, the less likely you will overeat; but you could simply say that the "more natural" the meal, the less likely you are to overeat. Eat natural, unprocessed and you don't need to track macros or calories. If you are eating for excitement, then you are using food as a drug — pointing to a different problem.

  2. Jacqueline
    Jacqueline says:

    Calories seem to be a bad word in the carnivore camp! When I wrote on IG that I was going to try to stick to the calories suggested by the calculations on Maria Emmerich’s site the response was quite negative.
    It’s actually no different in the vegan community. They are mostly very against counting calories suggesting that because plant foods are so low in calories you can eat to satiety within going over. That didn’t work for me and many others!
    What is different for me with carnivore is the natural appetite suppressant affect. It’s much easier to stay within a caloric limit when you feel satiated. Like you said, I don’t have the option of snacking on peanut butter or making a keto dessert which quickly lessons the temptation. The only thing I’m tempted to over eat is cheese. So for me having a very limited diet is helping with me over eating.

  3. C M
    C M says:

    I am wondering what your goals are, besides getting your blood iron level at an optimum level. Are you trying to loose alot of weight or are you interested in all aspects of diet and your body? Keto has worked for me very well for years, but it has stopped working, and I am not at my ideal weight yet. And, for health reasons I have to turn to a more plant based, lower protein diet. So, I have a whole new area of food and diet to explore now.

  4. Gins
    Gins says:

    At times I under-eat unintentionally. If I force myself to eat I don’t feel good (trouble breathing). I stress about that when it happens because I have lost muscle in the past due to this problem; even on clean keto of 80/15/5 macros and calories appropriate for my body composition. When I eat ribeye or sardines exclusively I don’t need to force myself to eat a recommended calorie intake. But I get really bored with such a limited selection and loose my appetite completely. Worse yet, those foods cause nausea after a few days. I’ve been shamed by a well loved and respected keto guru (who doesn’t know my specific medical dx) for under eating. So I have experimented with recipes that are very low carb but use a variety of aromatics. Those stimulate my appetite, but what little carbs they contain cause me to gain weight. đŸ«€ But my labs are excellent. Unfortunately my medical team looks at BMI to determine whether I qualify for lung transplant. So I feel like I’m damned if I do; damned if I don’t. I can wholeheartedly emphasize with anyone struggling to find the balance they need. We are all unique and need to experiment to find what works for us individually. But it seems that whatever we do to eliminate the poisons in our food supply is a step in the right direction.

  5. kynes
    kynes says:

    I do well on keto doing warrior diet most days (4 – 6 hour eating window), lean protein, fiber, fasted cardio. Fat is a lever—I add in MCT or olive oil as needed. Pretty much never hungry, no cravings outside my eating window. And if I am craving something it’s usually something like greek yogurt or chicken wings lol

  6. Gerard
    Gerard says:

    I don’t think it’s only about a food being boring/ not delicious. There is definitely an element of nutrition and the satisfaction that comes with it. As a gross example one pound of chick pea pasta does not contain the same nutritional value as one pound of ribeye steak.

  7. Myra King
    Myra King says:

    Jason Ring covered this very subject awhile back and said when a person eats food that is so enticing studies show the desire to overeat is triggered. He suggest eating simple whole foods to avoid triggering the overeating response. Keep your meals simple and avoid making something you can't resist. This is real not just in your head.

  8. Adorable Adornments
    Adorable Adornments says:

    I followed a diet one time that was a plan with a doctor. You could have three of the pre-packaged meals, two shakes in between meals and all the fruits and vegetables I wanted. It was low in fat, but interestingly I lost 25 lbs in about 6 weeks. I had to exercise 30 min a day. It was all a matter of calories. I am going to plan a keto diet for myself that will be higher fat breakfast, lower fat dinner, and the keto chows will be made with no fat coconut milk. No butter or cream. I am thinking Maria Emmerich and Dr. Westman are right about not adding fat.

  9. Lisa D.
    Lisa D. says:

    I agree with you. I did the sardine and egg challenges after watching your videos. The sardine diet definitely suppressed my appetite. I love eggs but after 3 days, I was ready for my salad and a steak. I have been doing keto for over two years and have lost 40 lbs but have plateaued. After doing the challenges, they did seem to curb my appetite so I am back to OMAD. I also agree that calories do matter. Fat bombs and desserts add up. I don’t count calories or macros. I like to keep it simple and keep my carbs around 20 mg. Enjoy your videos!

  10. jacq hendry
    jacq hendry says:

    I thought I might try 3 day eggfast per week. I agree on the appetite suppression power of the fast. I am in a stall atm, so it will be interesting to see what happens. Love your channel ❀❀


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