🐟 The secret to frying fish, Chinese Style (椒鹽龍利魚)

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Watch Daddy Lau teach us how to make Salt & Pepper Sole Fish. He’ll show you all the tricks to get that fish crispy and delicious!

26 replies
  1. T Y
    T Y says:

    There's other "powders" for frying too… Panko as used in Japanese tempora or one of my favorites -waterchestnut powder. Can also fry in avocado oil which is much healthier. Cheers.

  2. Andrew Uchiha
    Andrew Uchiha says:

    The older I get, the more I began to appreciate asian cooking coming from a traditional chinese household rather than craving for Westernized American Mcdonald's fried food when you were a kid. It made me realized how nutritious your mom's home made authentic recipe cooking is.

  3. Daniel Song
    Daniel Song says:


  4. Mike Trieu
    Mike Trieu says:

    I'm so glad that all the tips my mom taught me about selecting fresh fish at the market was corroborated by Daddy Lau and not just some urban legend. I mean, yeah, all of it sounds plausible on its face, but I like to hear the voice of veteran experience.


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