🍿Trigger foods vs. Buffer foods #WellnessWednesday

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34 replies
  1. Rosemarie Janssen
    Rosemarie Janssen says:

    I love dairy. It is a buffer food for me. The only trigger food I can think of is a delicious apple fritter. I am grateful that I am capable of having the willpower to leave them alone. I just stay clear of them. I have found a buffer food when I’m craving one of those if I eat half of a low carb cinnamon donut from crave bakery, I no longer want anything to eat. Thank you for the information in this video.

  2. Mona Lee
    Mona Lee says:

    Oddly enough, my trigger foods are generally healthier foods like yogurt, nuts, granola/muesli and fruit (especially dried). These trigger me to eat the whole bag in one sitting. I think this happens because subconsciously I know these are healthier foods so it’s okay if I eat it. Chocolate never triggers me because I know it’s not healthy to eat a lot of it. I can stop eating chocolate after one piece, but with nuts, granola, etc I could eat pounds of it and then regret sets in 😅

    This makes it really hard for me to eat healthy since I feel the urge to overeat healthy foods. It took many years to learn to just ignore the urge, however strong it is.

  3. Ola M
    Ola M says:

    Peanut butter is on both lists, Skippy was a trigger but when I switched to natural brands it became a buffer. I add it to homemade Greek Yogurt.

  4. Cindy Demanche
    Cindy Demanche says:

    What a great video! Sana and I had an impromptu live tonight (that wound up going more than 2 hours) and at one point we were talking about just this topic. Yesterday (Tuesday) my husband and I went to the state fair. I have always said that the one thing I would go off plan for is fried dough, aka funnel cakes. I had my protein first, then got a funnel cake, shared it, and was quite satisfied. I did not go back for another, and it certainly did not trigger me at all. I really do not have any triggers, but definitely have buffer foods-like Nola bars, Nush cookies, Munk Pack bars, etc. I do not indulge in these products on a daily basis, but when an urge for something sweet shows it’s ugly head, I have these items on hand to have with my meal at that time, then I am done!

  5. Veronica Heaney
    Veronica Heaney says:

    Hmm, trigger foods: strawberries & cherries. Buffer foods: dark chocolate, espresso and ice cream.
    Potatoes used to be on my trigger food list, especially as french fries. Now, I make my own hash browns, sometimes just potatoes, sometimes a mix of potatoes with sweet potato and/or other veggies like kohlrabi, turnip or scallions. Having it for breakfast occasionally is a great buffer food.
    Hot chocolate on a cold winter day is also a great buffer item.

  6. Patricia Moffitt
    Patricia Moffitt says:

    I am a fast food addict. I am not going to list all the trigger foods but I have been known to do a drive by with Dairy Queen to get my blizzard AND a large. I bought the Ninja icecream maker to help me with blizzard addiction. Maybe this could be my buffer?

  7. Jenise Coronado
    Jenise Coronado says:

    This was very helpful, thank you! I thought it was just me and my own personal weakness! Then I look at the comments and see how a lot of people have the same trigger of chocolate (which also has caffeine, which is also a trigger for me)!

  8. Jenise Coronado
    Jenise Coronado says:

    Buffer food for me is fat in the form of grass fed butter or bacon. If I don't have enough fat then I have a problem! Trigger foods for me are coffee (the caffeine) and ChocZero chocolates!

  9. Darla Holt
    Darla Holt says:

    Diet Coke is a buffer food for me too, although I have never “not drank it” long enough to know if it impacts my blood sugar. It doesn’t seem to cause me to crave sweet foods. Chocolate is a trigger!

  10. Dizzie Chef
    Dizzie Chef says:

    I have an odd feeling of being triggered. I never eat sweets. Never for years. But sometimes if I see a chocolate donut I feel like I need one but I really cannot stand the taste of sweet. I don’t ever want fruit nor any sweet taste. But the trigger sometimes is a chocolate donut. I don’t even like chocolate. I don’t understand this. I never give in because sugar makes me physically sick. I just get a slight crave for it.

  11. Irena loves art
    Irena loves art says:

    Great concept and makes sense! When I do a hard carnivore challenge then my buffer food is a small bowl of cottage cheese mixed with cinnamon and peanut butter powder. Sometimes i crush a bit of sugar free or dark choc in.
    Fruit is always a trigger food. And corn chips!!

  12. Ivorybow
    Ivorybow says:

    I am blessed to have no trigger foods on carnivore. My favorite buffer food is a little baked souffle made out of separated egg whites beaten, and the yolks creamed with some cream cheese, folded in, and sprinkled with a few blueberries. I can eat a slice of that and I'm happy for hours

  13. Sofia Tarnovsky Grein
    Sofia Tarnovsky Grein says:

    Chocolate and dairy and vegetables and fruit are buffers. Nuts, any keto baked good, or all fruit or keto “jam” is a trigger. I think it’s that concentration of fruit. Oh and keto cereals, especially magic spoon, are a trigger.

  14. Synergyb3
    Synergyb3 says:

    With me, it is more about snacky foods of any kind that trigger me. Mindless eating. Eating meals only works best for me. Keto Chow creami ice cream works great for me as a meal sometimes and doesn’t cause any problems. I don’t think using it to make keto treats like cookies, etc. would work for me.

  15. Barking Squirrel
    Barking Squirrel says:

    Buffer foods: Seltzer water, diet coke or pepsi, dairy, fork tender broccoli [raw or undercooked is just a punishment!].
    Trigger foods: Chocolate [even the foul tasting keto chocolates] — but they just trigger me to eat more of the chocolate [even the nasty kind], not to dive into a whole series of forbidden foods. If I ever manage to make chocolate mousse (with a keto sweetener), I may have to freeze the leftover servings. Hope that works!

  16. Suzanne Oleson
    Suzanne Oleson says:

    I feel lucky after listening to this that I don't have many triggers. When I do have a trigger I am able to stop and not binge. I still feel bad to have eaten anything wrong, no matter how much or little I eat. This is more of an issue for me.. Guilt and my need to be perfect.

  17. Vicki Stanton
    Vicki Stanton says:

    I do allow some peanut butter ( no sugar added)along with butter. It is only a tiny bit to taste. Makes butter taste better. Also i make cottage cheese ice cream or now keto chow ice cream to help with sweet craving. I don’t want the real thing because i know that real sugar would send me off to the races.

  18. Cheryl Davis
    Cheryl Davis says:

    When I make a delicious keto sweet treat, like one of the many delicious cookie recipes, or your fabulous chocolate PB protein cupcakes, etc
.unfortunately they can be a trigger food, leading me to binge, especially since I can justify that I know they’re made with good ingredients (and after all, I did all the work to make them myself!) —even though I store them in the freezer and try to only allow myself one serving per day. Guess I’ll always be a sugar/carb addict; so I do much better to only make small batches or even just a single serving treat, like a mug cake, on occasion. As far as buffer foods, I do enjoy my Relyte or LMNT typically twice a day
& maybe a Diet A & W Root Beer a couple times per week (although I know the ingredients are not that good..) Thankfully, being keto-carnivore for over 5 years has my cravings under control—but one day, I may just go all the way and get off all sweeteners, which should eliminate all desire for binging on sweet treats. Not ready for that yet, lol! 😊

  19. Patty Lyman
    Patty Lyman says:

    YES! So true. Lucky for me it is just me and the hubby so I can make sure those trigger foods do not ever reside here. LOL So many of my buffer foods are freezable, so I freeze them to help not push me.

  20. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    My trigger foods are mainly chips or cookies. My buffer foods are yogurt and dark chocolate. OR a sugar free chocolate macaroon or something like that and, Perfect Keto Nola Bars – the peanut butter or white chocolate macadamia.


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