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Just some ideas for how to SAVE on SNACKS, or make SAVVY SWAPS to keep our grocery budget in check and still enjoy our …

49 replies
  1. See Mindy Mom
    See Mindy Mom says:

    🌟I know snacks aren't a necessity, but for a lot of us, they're something we'd like to keep in our grocery budget. What are YOUR tips for saving on snacks? Leave me a comment! ⬇⬇⬇

  2. JP S
    JP S says:

    I have saved this video to my favorites for quick reference when I am making these delicious recipes!!! Thank you so much for your inspiration and wonderful ideas!!P.S. Last week I bought that white cake mix from Aldi so I am set for that!

  3. crystal carl
    crystal carl says:

    We do a homemade ice cream sandwich you just take Graham crackers I personally like the cinnamon ones My oldest likes the honey lol and cool whip. Put the cool whip on one of the graham crackers put another graham cracker on top wrap it up with some tin foil put it in the oven and freeze get the low fat for a healthier option. Relatively inexpensive and is something that my two, four and 8 year olds all can help with

  4. Hobocamp Mama
    Hobocamp Mama says:

    I hate buying snacks bc my 3 kids finish them super fast- it's to the point I have to HIDE stuff! I make a version of the peanut butter brownies without flour they are from the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, my kids and I love them! I will try your version for them with the flour as they seem a bit more heavy & filling. Time to get out my mini muffin trays- thank you!!

  5. Lashlove16
    Lashlove16 says:

    Great tips .
    I usually keep oil in small dollar tree spray bottle . It’s great to save money and no mess especially for the muffin pan
    I also flavor my own yogurt with vanilla and simple syrup

  6. Angie Steuck
    Angie Steuck says:

    My son is obsessed with popcorn. We switched to strictly kernels now after seeing your video before Christmas. I got that bowl for him for Christmas. Best gift ever! I just buy it off Amazon.

    Our snack staples are the flip yogurts. They are getting crazy expensive! So now I am only buying a small amount unless on sale. Thar is our biggest snack staples. Otherwise fruit or I make muffins and other snacks.

  7. Effie Cross
    Effie Cross says:

    I bought myself one of those silicone popcorn poppers from amazon after I saw yours on one of your videos a few months ago. It works amazingly! Very reasonably priced also, and it comes in lots of colors. Those peanut butter brownies looked fantastic, and I love that they're made from pantry staples!

  8. SarahE1982
    SarahE1982 says:

    My mom used to make ranch oyster crackers all the time when I was little and I loved them! I tried finding a good recipe online to make them myself but none of them were as tasty. She finally scanned her recipe card from the 80s and sent me a copy. Just as delicious as I remember! Hers don't need to be baked though.

  9. Debra Griffith
    Debra Griffith says:

    Just had to tell you thanks! I made the yogurt with lime drink mix, white chocolate chips and crackling oat bran. It is awesome! My husband loves it, he said it's better than the chosen! Thanks again!

  10. mandiesplace
    mandiesplace says:

    I definitely go for more Convenience since my husband and I work full time but when we are at home we get the bigger bag of snacks to save the little bags for school lunches. I also really try to stock up when it’s on sale or in bulk! I loved this video thank you!!

  11. Monica Taylor
    Monica Taylor says:

    When my girls were in middle school we couldn't afford 2 type of tortilla chips for their snacks bc they never agreed on flavors so I bought 1 bag of plain tortilla chips and used the cheese powder from mac and cheese and shook some of it over warm microwaved chips for one of them and added a couple shakes of chili powder to the cheese for chili-cheese flavored chips, now there is ranch packets we didn't have then, so there's another flavor
    Your ideas for the lime yogurt was brilliant! I add a little instant coffee and Ovaltine to plain yogurt to get close to the Tiramisu flavor I love.

  12. Becky Hines
    Becky Hines says:

    The only crackers I like is the cinnamon Graham crackers. My grandma use to give those to us when we would visit but their hard to find. My favorite chip would be Doritoes any flavor but spicy. I bought potato chips that I've not had but heard their good, we'll see. Their brand name is UTZ. I love yogurt but only strawberry. Not a fan of popcorn unless I'm at a movie theater. Not really ever been a snack person. Mom use to let us have a bowl of ice cream with a glass of pop if it was on sale, there are 5 of us kids.

  13. The Cheap Bird
    The Cheap Bird says:

    Just a little note to make you smile. We adopted a cat last week and my daughter named her McKenna. She said that we watch your show so often that we needed to name the cat McKenna.

  14. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    I purchased a 24 ct Mini muffin pan a couple years ago and buy the Aldi chocolate and blueberry quick bread/muffin mixes and can usually make a good 12-15 bags of 4 mini muffins at a time as I usually make two boxes of mix at a time. 3 kids, they go quick and those pre boxed ones are so pricy! Now; Kroger does do a box of their brand mini muffins where you get 20 pouches (80 muffins) for about $7-$8 a box. Not terrible but prefer making homemade for sure.

  15. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    👍 Good ideas!!
    I think those chobanis are such a rip off-good idea on making your own. I do that with granola and mini choc chips.
    The packaged mini muffins are so expensive 😫 and not worth it so that's what I do too using a funfetti cake mix or yellow $1 mix and add in some extras or just leave plain confetti. They're good! 😋

  16. Nancy Carney
    Nancy Carney says:

    We LOVE Popcorn. We buy the huge box at Sam's. Everything else is store brand. Kroger brand trail mix is a great deal when they go on sale and I sometimes have an extra 50 cents off coupon. We have learned to make homemade Large pretzels. Actually my son did. So cheap and each person can pick their own dip or topping. WOW! My husband loves key lime yogurt. Thanks for the cheaper recipe.

  17. Heather Johnson
    Heather Johnson says:

    I love your videos, thank you for sharing, always right when I need one it's up!
    And I used to be subscribed to Kim, at the Wads, but I became annoyed with her, it seemed fake, so I'm no longer a subscriber of hers, maybe later, just not now.

  18. Jennifer Mitchell
    Jennifer Mitchell says:

    I have been a single mom of six for the last two years. I make breakfasts ahead for my kiddos, all portable to take with us to school (I am a teacher and need to be there early too). Cracklin Oat Bran is a well kept secret! It’s portable in little snack size baggies and easy to pick up and eat with your fingers. My kids love it. Thanks for this and all of your money and time saving tips and ticks. I enjoy watching them.

  19. silentbanshee
    silentbanshee says:

    I just bought a popcorn popper like yours about a week ago. Also got a glass jar with a metal lid to keep the popcorn in. We've been using it a lot. But now I'll have to try the oyster crackers, too.


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