🌼The Results are In #SIBO #IronDeficiency #WellnessWednesday

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49 replies
  1. 24carrot gold
    24carrot gold says:

    I am not battling sibo, but I am rebuilding my blood. I had to diagnose my own case of megaloblastic anemia. During chemotherapy my white and red blood cells were destroyed as well as my platelets. Found out B12 and folate along with omega3's, manganese and iron are required for red, selenium for white and papaya leaf extract for platelets. Do your own research and don't expect doctors to support your nutritional approach to health.🤪

  2. Christine Adams
    Christine Adams says:

    The very best of luck to you, Nili, and this new Side Road in your journey towards healing and health! I hope the restrictions aren’t too painful and that they are balanced by the relief of feeling better and being healthier!

  3. Crystal Noonan
    Crystal Noonan says:

    Go carnivore. Being strict is ok if it makes you feel better. Your health is more important than hosting or accepting others food. You are so important and seem to be such a wonderful mother. The carnivore diet will help with your ANA results as well. Also do some research on oxalates and seed oils and their negative effects. Just realized they are in everything especially keto snacks, protein bars etc. God bless you, your health journey and keep up the good work 🙏😇

  4. Leslie Prebyl
    Leslie Prebyl says:

    I had SIBO in 2016, did the LowFodmap for 6 months and it went away. Interestingly enough in 2017, I had my gallbladder removed because I had 15 stones. One of the perks of being a woman and hormones. No one ever told me about the possibility of a sluggish gallbladder causing SIBO. Not even my functional medicine doctor. You might know this, but I thought I would mention it. I take bile salts/oxbile only after I eat dinner (not with every meal) and I feel great in the gut. I also take a probiotic. Sounds like you are on top of this and I hope things clear up quickly for you.

  5. Kathy Swigart
    Kathy Swigart says:

    Levi is so adorable! His eating that bar is quite an endorsement alone. Sorry to hear about your health challenges. I have a friend who had one of the first gastric bypass surgeries over 50 years ago and is now experiencing anemia. I have been sharing your journey with her. I doubt sibo is the issue since there isn't any small intestine but your information is so well given that she may glean something helpful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Tiffany Korb
    Tiffany Korb says:

    I had SIBO 2 years ago it was also responsible for my anemia and was able to resolve it by doing carnivore. Also recommend cutting out coffee while trying to heal the SIBO.

    And remember it isn’t permanent.

  7. Freedom Acres Homestead
    Freedom Acres Homestead says:

    I had never heard about SIBO before this either. I'm wondering if this has been my issue since I feel so much better doing carnivore. I will definitely be following along and hopefully find a cheaper and natural way to keep healing and be able to find that balance that you spoke about.

  8. san dy
    san dy says:

    Yep, I figured it was a gut thing and I believed I mentioned healthy gut, healthy body. Ferments and yogurt. Meats don't breakdown in the gut – it rots. Magnesium, mega vit C.

  9. M. Gregg
    M. Gregg says:

    I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, but I'm glad that you have some answers that seem to make sense. Praying you and your doctor can come up with a good plan to eradicate the bacterial overgrowth completely and really improve your overall health quickly. You are a shining example of flexibility and adaptability. Thank you for bringing us along! Looking forward to following your journey with you.

  10. Marydee Mock
    Marydee Mock says:

    Thanks for sharing such a personal journey with us. I had SIBO several years ago. I followed this treatment thru my Functional Medicine NP & resolved it…
    TOOK FOR 1 MONTH – 2 TABS EA AM & PM ON EMPTY STOMACH TO CORRECT SIBO – (overgrowth of bacteria in small bowel from not

    enough healthy bacteria in gut)


    • FC-CIDAL


    I'm very interested in the AIRE 2 you spoke about. I'm going to do some research on it. Thanks again for the info!

  11. ivanlondura
    ivanlondura says:

    There’s a lady named Donna Schwenk that’s on YouTube and she has a lot of advice on cultured foods that help to enhance or repair gut biomes. She has helped my wife and I tremendously.

  12. naseerahvj
    naseerahvj says:

    Hopefully you can heal up from this ❤️ I have sibo chronically. Even though I’ve healed it in the past, because of my ehlers danlos, it just keeps reoccurring. I’ve had to kind of accept it as part of my life.

  13. Sarah Thomson
    Sarah Thomson says:

    Don't forget about the pro-kinetic that's used after the "kill phase." 1,000mg of organic ginger root works well for many people. I thought I had SIBO-test came back negative. I still think I have it! Is the food marble thing comparable to the SIBO tests? I might need to get one of those. Good luck!

  14. Peggy T
    Peggy T says:

    I've heard that one should not take probiotics until one has resolved the SIBO as they will feed the bad bacteria in the small intestine (that should be in the large intestine}. I've also heard 3 months on carnivore can help resolve the SIBO. Good luck whatever direction you go.

  15. Sharon Hawkins
    Sharon Hawkins says:

    In 2015 I was diagnosed with H.Pyroli which can be the deeper dive into SIBO. It took months to find out what was wrong and I thought I was actually dying. A series of very strong and expensive antibiotics and it was cured. I got sick sick from the antibiotics but so glad I did them, but now do not want to every take again. Even so many doctors are not familiar with H.Pyroli. I hope you find a solution for your problem, best of luck.

  16. Millie H. - NYC
    Millie H. - NYC says:

    This was truly interesting. I had never heard of SIBO. Sorry you're experiencing this but at least you found out what's happening with your gut. Sending prayers your way to get better soon. You'll stomp that SIBO! Does Dr. Berry talk about SIBO in any of this content? Hmm. Be well.

  17. Cathy Hanlin
    Cathy Hanlin says:

    Prayers for you and I know you will make it through this with the help of Levi, sweet, sweet littl' soldier for momma! I was thinking of how I was missing him this morning while watching the Fab 4, LOL, He would have stolen the show.
    I am on my second month of taking Folic Acid, went in on my bday(Tue) for regular doctor appointment and it was too early to test, but I had loss a few pounds. Got a good report. The VERY next day, (Wed) I had signs of a sinus infection, coming on in a massive way so I hit it hard with everything I had. By Thursday it was getting better but still had a head like a lion. Friday, the granddaughter (five) goes home to get ready for school to start next week. Monday, Husband calls said, he is being sent home from work, the son called his work and the granddaughter is running 101.5 fever and tested positive for covid. I run down to doctor office for two test kits: Husband said no way can it be covid, I was better and He was not sick: We test ourselves and both are POSITIVE. Moral of the story: Doctors are saying people with low Iron levels are more acceptable to get the covid. The whole system must be up to par for the immune system to fight any disease. I wish you well on your journey, Love to you and your family

  18. Critter 400
    Critter 400 says:

    My heart goes out to you 💔
    I'm dealing with similar! My gut hasn't been "right" for over a year and it got to where I couldn't find relief. Chronic diarrhea, bad pain, constant grumbling through my intestines, especially at night keeping me awake.
    So on July 25th I went full carnivore to try to heal.
    I know EXACTLY what you mean about being happy with your food and now having to restrict further!!! Oh man, I'm kind of angry about this 😤 but what can we do but soldier on.
    I'll be praying for you 🙏❤

  19. T McAleer
    T McAleer says:

    Wow, I had never heard of this, sorry this is happening to you and interesting your sister also had this issue. We live at a time when devices have been created to test for this.

    If it were me I would purchase the home testing device. It would give me evidence that what I had been eating was a positive or negative choice rather than waiting and enormous lab bills. The only question I would have would be accuracy of the device compared to actual lab results. Might be beneficial to compare results taken the same day.

  20. M. Obscura
    M. Obscura says:

    Love your attitude, helps me to lighten up and be balanced in my food choices instead of striving for perfection that doesn’t really exist. Sorry for your challenging situation now…I’m supporting you virtually! Stay the strong, be you! Levi is so cool 😊

  21. Salma Rahama
    Salma Rahama says:

    I helped diagnose myself with a rare autoimmune disorder when doctors didn’t seem to be connecting the dots so I had to do it myself! I am sure you will beat your illness and shine as always❣️

  22. Justine Tv
    Justine Tv says:

    Hi, I have been been listening to since I went Keto about a year ago. I believe and agree with most everything you have said and done. This is the Only issue I don't believe. The SIBO issue. PLEASE listen to Dr. Cywes on SIBO on YouTube. He says that SIBO is a junk science money making symptom and is very very expensive. We all have bacteria in our bodies. Good and bad bacteria that we need for a healthy body. Most SIBO treatments are human poop in a pill that can cost from $2000 to $5000 per treatment and does not cure it. Again, PLEASE listen to his talk about SIBO on YouTube and save yourself lots of money. Other than that, keep up the good work with all the info you are getting and giving. God Bless.

  23. S Rezzy
    S Rezzy says:

    Well you’re incredibly smart, diligent and analytical based approach. Oregano oil made me terribly sick, vomiting etc. took bio busters etc. you will find your way. The other important thing is, IT’S NOT FOREVER, temporary setback…😇🙏💫💕🦄

  24. C M
    C M says:

    I am so sorry you are suffering with iron deficiency and now the bacteria overgrowth. I had a short bout with digestive problems that I surmised were from my small intestines because the pain and extreme gas always started about a half hour after I ate. I fixed it by fasting, and eliminating sugar from my diet. Now I am just doing keto and all is OK. I will be very interested to hear what works for you; best wishes for a speedy solution.

  25. Carol Barker
    Carol Barker says:

    I am also having issues with my digestive system since I had Covid over a year ago. I have gas, belching and indigestion. I have been eliminating broccoli, cauliflower and onions. I am also on probiotics. I am drinking Kefir and trying to eat Kimchi to get natural probiotics. It has been a long struggle. I am also considering a carnivore diet but I love my veggies. It’s so hard. Good luck with your SIBO. I have not done the test but I am going to suggest it to my GI doctor.


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