🌺Hawaiian SWEET Rolls **the Indigo version! #keto #prioritizingprotein

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0:00 Intro 2:22 Ingredients 4:36 Recipe 8:50 Scooping 9:47 The Finished Product Find @Amy:Carivore’sAngel ‘s original video …

43 replies
  1. Roni P
    Roni P says:

    I have found that I get the best volume in my egg white bread when the liquid (either water or egg whites) is warm. If I'm using water, I have the temperature at about 100°F. For liquid egg whites, I warm them to about 70 to 80 degrees.

  2. Tamara Jans
    Tamara Jans says:

    Each time I make the bread is better than the time before. Last one blew my mind. I was texting people about the amazing bread I was eating, lol… 🤷‍♀️… And my sister-in-law visited today, who I don’t think has ever done low carb (they’re a fit family), but she LOVED it! I was worried I should explain that it’ll be a different ‘chewing experience,’ perhaps, if one has never tried it. But she really loved it… Even more amazed than I am (or maybe that’s not possible, lol). I am almost certain this will be a huge health/weight loss/balance… game changer (seems like such an overused phrase) for me. I’ve been battling for a year + to get the scale to go down some more. 🙏 You will have changed my life. And my husband is a huge carb addict… He tries a little, but It may make an even bigger difference for him.

  3. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    Those scoops should have a number stamped into the little lever part that scoops the stuff out. Like they’ll be an eight or a 12. The higher the number the smaller the scoop the lower number the bigger the scoop

  4. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I’m from the Pacific Northwest as well. Central Washington. I made the mistake of trying protein sparing modified fast bread on a humid day which is rare here because we’re so dry but the season has been so wet. Do you find that humidity affect your bread making? I have not been able to make anything all week because rain one day sunny the next rain one day sunny the next and I have to take care of my mom on the good days

  5. Cyndi Manka
    Cyndi Manka says:

    I watched a bunch of soufflé recipes to try to figure out if there was a secret. One video I saw they actually stuck a toothpick in it to let the steam escape and supposedly it helps the soufflé not deflate. I tried this with my last Hawaiian rolls and I only did two and I did not find any difference.

  6. Mike and Ally's Vintage
    Mike and Ally's Vintage says:

    @Indigo Just an observation: I noticed on Janet's YT channel, her batter looked a little more firm, your's once scooped out is spreading slightly. So, thickness of batter could make a difference to height of rolls. And I believe you saw her air fryer video, which you commented on. Did you ever try baking them in the air fryer? I just tried Janet G's method and they didn't flatten, I noticed my batter was stiff and thick and kept it's shape & height. The rolls came out great from the air fryer.

  7. ScooterGeek
    ScooterGeek says:

    If you look on your scoop's scraper, there should be a number indicating scoops per quart. My largest is a 12. This should help with an accurate recipe.

  8. fabricpixie
    fabricpixie says:

    just made Carnivore's Angel buns, out of the oven maybe 15 minutes. They looked so beautiful tall and fluffy while in the oven, but sadly yes they did 'fall, deflate' but still taste yummy. OH and right now I have her recipe in the oven as a bread loaf, have no idea how it will turn out but it has risen so much

  9. Joan E
    Joan E says:

    Oh, dear Nili, I so appreciate that you're continuing to perfect these rolls. I've made 2 batches now and the first ones came out beautifully, but not quite sweet enough, 2nd batch must have had a teeny tiny bit of egg yolk in them because they came out like fat pancakes and the little bit of extra allulose made them just a little too sweet. I am wondering if I should try using my cupcake liners. Using egg white powder is Masterwerk!

  10. Patricia V
    Patricia V says:

    Yay! So glad you're using Egg Yolk Powder. I have a bunch that needs to be used. Did you already finish that huge box of Egg White Powder you bought? I bought that huge box as well and still have a lot left.

  11. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I’ve made these twice now. First time they shrunk quite a bit but they were totally delicious. I cannot find pineapple extract so I omitted that, I am not a fan of orange extract or lemon extract so I have not tried any other flavors. Today I made the egg white bread and I made one loaf and one “pizza crust” with it. Can’t wait to make a pizza on Monday! I What is the conversion for using whole egg powder instead of egg yolk powder?? I only have whole egg powder right now,

  12. Becky Nelson
    Becky Nelson says:

    Happy Mother's Day to You Nili! Happy Mother's Day to all of us with this recipe Just in time for holiday!
    I absolutely LOVE Your bloomed yeast in ALL keto bread type products.
    What is the reason for not using it in these? Do You know if it will wreck them if I do?
    Thank You & LORD bless You & Yours with continued prosperity in Him.

  13. More Mula
    More Mula says:

    Great I was waiting for you to modify this recipe all recipes using fresh eggs always deflates in my area. Can you please modify Amy’s cream cheese egg white bunt cake? TIA

  14. rikwen96
    rikwen96 says:

    I love the Hawaiian rolls, so good. I noticed that you added the dry egg yolk powder as you said it stabilized the bread. Have you tried substituting the whole amount of egg yolk powder for the egg yolks in the recipe? Just wondering if that would make a difference and if you had already tried it.

  15. Place For Faith
    Place For Faith says:

    I plan on making a version of this but substitute the water with a can of pineapple spindrift. Only 4g carbs for the entire can but since it does have some pineapple juice, you get that foamy reaction with the batter. Can wait to see if it works out.


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