🇺🇸Ground Zero Minneapolis | The City That SHOCKED The World

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Minneapolis Minnesota United States, the city where protests were sparked by the case of George Floyd and Derek Chauvin.

21 replies
  1. Kat 5
    Kat 5 says:

    Very interesting and formative video. Enjoyed the point of view from the George Floyd relatives and friends. It made me realize the reality behind this life changing period of time that did take place. It was nice to see the healing that has taken place in the Minneapolis area caused by the destruction. Very well done Adventure Elliot.

  2. soy Miguelón el cabron
    soy Miguelón el cabron says:

    Yo creo que el policía actuó fatal no era necesario ponerle la rodilla en la cabeza uso una técnica para asfixiarlo si hubiera sido un poco más profesional no lo hubiera matado luego mucha gente dice que pudo ser sin querer yo creo que sinceramente cuando George Floyd le estaba diciendo que le asfixiaba el policía no estuvo muy preocupado creo que fue muy prepotente ese policía no me gustó para nada la actuación policial

  3. Ruben Yops
    Ruben Yops says:

    Another great video Elliot!! so interesting. I only knew about Minnesota because Ricky Rubio first years playing NBA was with Timberwolves, I know that is very cold but I thought that is not a big city, you know, I only watched some basketball matches and knowing about the snow and the team symbol is a wolve and trees.. I imagine something like a city in the mountains hahaha but now I've just discovered that Minnesota is a great modern city. Thank you for share this adventure Elliot, I hope you were enjoying Christmas days!!

  4. labird 162
    labird 162 says:

    Gracias Elliot por mostrarnos la cara B de tú país , muy idealizado por " el sueño americano " todos los países tienen lo positivo y negativo desde mi humilde opinión los afroamericanos siguen estando muy marginados y seguirá el racismo es la " cuenta pendiente de America Feliz Navidad 👍👏🎅🎄🤔🧖🏿‍♂️🙍🏾‍♀️

  5. Miren Minabo
    Miren Minabo says:

    George Fentanyl was a criminal crackhead that its much better dead than alive. He died of overdose btw.

    I really feel sorry for the cop that got imprisioned for doing his job. I salute you Derek i hope you get out soon.

  6. Jaime Garcia
    Jaime Garcia says:

    Hola Eliot…a primera vista la diferencia entre EU y EEUU en la construccion de las ciudades es abismal.
    Y porsupuesto en otras grandes cosas.
    Gracias Eliot.
    Saludos desde Valencia🇪🇸


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