라떼 위 달달한 달고나 듬뿍! 달고나커피 ☕️ : Dalgona Coffee [아내의 식탁]

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워낙 핫한 만큼 TV 프로그램 (편스토랑)에서도 이 레시피가 등장했어요! 바로 ‘달고나라떼’인데요. 라떼 위에 달고나 맛의 크림을 올리면…

22 replies
  1. 아내의 식탁 Wife's Cuisine
    아내의 식탁 Wife's Cuisine says:

    워낙 핫한 만큼 TV 프로그램 (편스토랑)에서도 이 레시피가 등장했어요! 바로 ‘달고나라떼‘인데요. 라떼 위에 달고나 맛의 크림을 올리면 완성되는 간단해보이는 레시피지만 사실 400번이나 저어 만드는 노고(?)가 있는 커피예요. 하지만 아내의 식탁에서는 400번이나 젓지 않아도 누구나 쉽게 만들 수 있는 초간단 달고나라떼를 만드는 법을 알려드릴게요! 이 달고나라떼 한 잔이면 답답했던 일상도 조금은 달콤해질 것 같습니다. 오늘도 달콤한 하루 보내세요!

    Do you know about the hot recipie on SNS? Because it's so popular, the recipe was even introduced in the TV program(Peon-staurant)! And it is called “Dalgona Latte,” which looks pretty simple as it is completed by putting dalgona cream on a latte, but this coffee actually requries a 400 times whipping efforts. However, here in Wife's Table, we will introduce a super simple dalgona latte recipe that anyone can make without 400 times whipping! With just one cup of this latte, our boring everyday life will become sweeter. Have a sweet day!

  2. SockJeans
    SockJeans says:

    This new coffee trend is kinda pissing me off.
    I know its not new but I've been making this stuff since so long ago and i'm sure some others have too, the fact that it blew up because of tiktok boils my blood because it's like I got something stolen from me. You know what I mean?

  3. cxtton cxndy
    cxtton cxndy says:

    I tried this and its good and really simple to make. It just tastes like Sweet frothy iced coffee a lot like Starbucks, but its good and will probably make it again tomorrow.

  4. JL.
    JL. says:

    I'm 23. and this recipe I used to make it when I was maybe 13 it's old maybe before I was even born😂 why it's trend nowdays? Isn't it known?


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