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39 replies
  1. LiveLifeOnPurpose
    LiveLifeOnPurpose says:

    I liked this show surprisingly. It had a lot of funny moments, but i also appreciated that the female lead didnt just jump to conclusions when the scheming chick tried to drive a wedge between her and the male lead. Even more i was satisfied with the end. And could see how it'd be room for a season 2. The grandmother is probably my favorite character the female lead family was irritating but i get it that they help move the story along. The chemistry is nice between the leads and development is good. Worth a rewatch

  2. Elizabeth Parish
    Elizabeth Parish says:

    Another good one with a complete story and well developed characters. My fav actor in the main role so I'd probably watch it even if it was terrible, but it isn't. It's very good. A strong, protective male lead and the FL appears to be too timid at first but actually does stick up for herself, which is nice to see. At first he's cold but quickly comes around to loving and cherishing her for her goodness. Bad girl did a good job. Quite the little schemer in an ineffective way, but the true cartoon villains in this one are the sucky relatives. All her relatives seem truly awful. From the ex money-hungry mother in law, and scumbag ex fiance to the greedy, nasty, deceitful aunt, uncle & cousin. She's copped the worst of the lot. Quite funny though…I've never seen someone OVER act as much as the lady playing the evil aunt. So bad it's funny. All that aside, our leading man never fails to deliver skillful, quality acting. The FL not quite up to his standard but the potential is there I think (but then, what do I know anyway??) The eng subs and the editing are both very good. Thank for once again uploading quality drama that I can enjoy.

  3. R check
    R check says:

    Why do the writers have to make this FL so brainless and stupid with no common sense or self awareness ? What woman would give a man $300,000 to buy a property without making sure the title deed is in her name first ? And if the fiance objected that would be a dead giveaway that he is just scamming her……These days so many marriages don't last so she should make sure she has some security for the future……..And the issue with the scammer relatives….if she has legal ownership of the place and she lives there, they have no right to move in and throw her out ! That's just crazy….She just keeps taking it and never stands up for herself or fights back..just lets people keep abusing her verbally and not even saying anything, just standing there like a stunned mullet…….just annoying…if she hadn't met Huo Jinyan she'd be living in a gutter somewhere, based on the weak personality the writers have given her…in reality, knowing their daughter was dimwitted, her parents would have set up a trust to own her home and the money they left her so that she couldn't be scammed….


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