❓Have you heard of Lumen?? #lumen #metabolicflexibility

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22 replies
  1. Mart Grigsby
    Mart Grigsby says:

    You always make it very clear that you have companies send you products to demonstrate. I haven’t ever heard you suggest buying any monitors or kitchen equipment. You share what you love, what makes life healthier and easier for you, and what has been SENT to you as a gift .
    That’s all you can do. I personally appreciate your demonstrations. It lets me see if I want the item. If I do I buy it. If I don’t then I don’t buy it. What a concept!🤣😂🤣😂

  2. yoda
    yoda says:

    I use Lumen and it is great and it helps with Balance diet and prime body to work on metabolic flexibility and be what we used to in Paleolithic time

  3. Beebee
    Beebee says:

    Thanks for your great videos Indigo. We all learn heaps from you as do your gorgeous children who are all delightful. Busy mum home schooling the children and Creating healthy meals for them. Love watching them grow. 😊🤗🇳🇿 🐝🐝

  4. Joe Belcher
    Joe Belcher says:

    I don't believe you are trying to sell products. I appreciate you sharingninfonon the products. It helps to make a decision. You seem to be a very trustworthy person, and although we have never met, I trust your evaluations. Thanks for all the videos.

  5. Rochelle Maly
    Rochelle Maly says:

    This sounds a lot like the information I received when I went to Dexafit to get my Resting Metabolic Rate tested. One’s RMR, in a lab setting (professionally done), is based on carbon dioxide (Co2) and oxygen (O2). The ratio indicates what your body is using for energy – sugar (carbs) or fat. They refer to this as Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER). RER of .70 means one is predominately burning fat and 1 indicates sugar whereas .85 a mix. When I went for my test, the result came back as 100% sugar. They were obviously stumped by that as I told them I was in week 10 of PSMF that I do every day. The tester contacted the chemist who asked if I would be willing to redo the test as she was sure it was wrong. They said I was breathing too shallow. They changed to using a mask rather than a mouthpiece that was much more comfortable and natural and then that showed .7 through most of the test which is 100% fat burn. I share this with you because what you described sounds like it’s using RER as well and I’ve found it’s incredibly sensitive to how you breathe and you can get wildly different results and that was in a lab setting with professionals. I can only imagine how much volatility outside the lab with laypersons on their own. I’d be interested if I were you to compare that to doing an RMR test near you. For me, a device like that isn’t helpful as I’m only measuring numerous months apart to check metabolic rate so no need to test frequently. I know what I’m burning based on what I’m consuming – that doesn’t seem to require a device but perhaps someone that wants to know what their carb tolerance is to remain in ketosis, it might be.

  6. Vintage Girls
    Vintage Girls says:

    You can use this device w keto . Now most carnivores don’t eat too many carbs but those that do keto and have the low carb veggies that they can tolerate this device will show when those carbs are in use and so forth you do not have to change your lifestyle or diet to use this as a tool.. or in conjunction with your other tools. It’s just something else to add to your data. Lots of people on keto and carnivore have them and do not solely use them but they do shed some light on the good carbs you may eat …. Some people over others it can help more as they can tolerate more veggie than others … and some will rely on how food makes us feel and years of eliminating and adding back as you have . But … this device is helpful. People on keto are never ever going to be in fat burning mode 24 7 . We all go in and out of ketosis cycle in and out as we live work and sleep. Even those of us that are stricter carnivores there are times that we use up ketones and the meter show lower levels as we use them.. and blood sugar may be higher by morning and the number lower even without any food and then even w food most foods have trace carbs so not to be too technical try it… with your lifestyle and not the manual of what they say to eat. Just to record what it says about your meals… I’ve learned which ones help burn more. And I didn’t change my food. I do ketovore and carnivore to keep cancer out so I will not do this higher carb recommendation that it shows at times. But not everyone is fighting Cancer or trying to stay in remission. But… I feel that ketogenic lifestyle is very sustainable since I’ve been living it since 1986 😂 so they are wrong on that . But again I think it can definitely shed light on what we are eating.. as you say push it to what we are after.. but by seeing what foods we ate that give us those golden numbers! And do more of that if… it keeps us feeling good! If not then we listen to our body. Good experiment though😊

  7. Ketopilateschic
    Ketopilateschic says:

    Hi Nili, I love your channel, been watching for a while, especially with the bread recipes. I have a lumen and I like it. I have been keto for 4.5 years and got lumen just for fun after I was already at a good weight from keto. One thing you have to know is that if your heart rate is elevated when you take the measurement, it will be a false reading of burning carbs!! So sit for awhile before you take it. I don’t follow what it says to do with food. I eat keto, maybe a couple times for the boost day, I let myself go off plan for more carbs. But still not doing exactly what it says for macros, it shows my metabolic flexibility to be high. I’m wondering if that comes from being keto so long and ability to burn fat. So will be interested to see how it goes for you. I like that if you have a question for them, through the app, they answer right away. Seems the lumen was developed by 2 brilliant sisters, check it out.

  8. Stephanie Mckenzie
    Stephanie Mckenzie says:

    I love my Lumen! I do not eat keto, but paleo and am heading towards lower carb paleo.I have hit 1's and 2's several times! I have never been recommended less than 75g carbs and my fat amounts are lower than I would like, most of the time it's 66 g. My protein is usually 120g. I am wondering if eating keto all the time is keeping your body from functioning in a more normal way…very interesting! I look forward to hearing your experiences with it!

  9. Elizabeth Faulkner
    Elizabeth Faulkner says:

    I have just started experimenting with the lumen also. Have not taken their macro suggestions yet but interested in seeing what could be possible with introduction of more carbs in a planned fashion. I seem to be either all in and move to almost 0 carbs or totally blow this way of eating. I am hoping this may teach me some balance.

  10. Betty Everett
    Betty Everett says:

    I appreciate your reviews and naturally companies need people to test out their products, to give unbiased reviews and feedback. Otherwise how can they recommend products to the public if they have never been used and tested. I've never heard of the Lumen, but if it something that you need, why not. Same as diabetics need to check their blood sugar.


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