❄️A VERY AT HOME DAY IN THE COUNTRY | Ice Fishing | Creamed Chicken | Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes

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Our weatherman is calling for a winter storm to move in later in the day. That’s all it took for me to hunker down at home and start …

47 replies
  1. Leanne Kelly
    Leanne Kelly says:

    I loved watching this video! It's crazy how much snow and how much colder it is up by you. We haven't even reached winter temps down here in Milwaukee. My teenage son wants to move up by you. He is jealous of the great ice fishing. He hasn't been able to work (snow board instructor) because it's been too warm for our little ski hill to make snow. Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!! 😁

  2. TOPCAT 8888
    TOPCAT 8888 says:

    As I'm watching this, I'm cleaning my Dutch oven. Just boil a few inches of water with a good splash of white vinegar. It works like a charm. Great video, as usual. Merry Christmas to all! Marcy

  3. Susie Lowe
    Susie Lowe says:

    use bi carb n white vinegar n boiled water …it fizzes all up n removes stuck stubborn stuff ..
    1 cup of vinegar
    quarter cup bi carb
    boiled water just a good amount …like half up pot 😊😊

  4. Lisa Chatham
    Lisa Chatham says:

    Sam has a very pleasant voice to go with his very pleasant looks and demeanor. I love when you get Joe in the kitchen with you, watching him bake is so much fun. I have been a bit under the weather so my baking isn't going to get completed for this Christmas. I am still planning to finish my butter mints, treasure cookies, and peppermint bark only because they are started. And I always make divinity for my Mother in law, she loves it and I am the only one who will make it for her. It's become a tradition for me to make it and give it to her as one of her presents. Merry Christmas!!!!!

  5. Lori Gress
    Lori Gress says:

    What’s mashed potatoes without a stick of butter?!?! No judgement here. Lol. It is so sweet watching the kids grow through watching your videos. Awe there little voices are sounding older. Congratulations on the great fishing day! Great job on the cookies Joe!

  6. Perla
    Perla says:

    Warren did a great job filming!!! Please let him know that it was much appreciated! High five Warren!
    There's no need to say that the rest of you are lovely and funny as usual

  7. Tammi Fields
    Tammi Fields says:

    Joe did an Amazing 🌟 job reading to us!💙 You and Warren did So well raising your children…So Caring, Respectful,Loving;I can go on and on!! Thank you for sharing parts of your life with us,and Dinner looked Yummy!!😋😋 Happy Holidays!🎄🙏🎄🎅🎄

  8. Sherri Jackson
    Sherri Jackson says:

    Like soup can have too much chicken in it 🤣 Joe in his cute kitchen apron just puts a smile to my face! I think if you let him he would just talk to us for ages! I made gingerbread men with my kids this year, but we found out that we don't really like gingerbread. Is the lake on your property that you were fishing at? Got your cookbook just the other day, Thank you for all the wonderful recipes and videos. Just love your channel and your family. Merry Christmas!

  9. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Boy I wish I would have been able to run across those ninja gingerbread man about 25 years ago when all of us were taken taekwondo lessons. They would have sure been loved as a treat. I have also found that some noodles just don't hold up in between times when I'm shopping sometimes I don't remember which one it was. This fish were huge and Maria was so excited congratulations to both of them.

  10. Alicia's In The Kitchen
    Alicia's In The Kitchen says:

    It is the Aldi egg noodles. 😒 I had the same issue just the other night. They were kind of gummy in the bottom of the pot and they lost their shape. That fish is almost bigger than Maria! I have never had northern pike (or any pike for that matter) what type of fish is it similar to flavor/texture wise? Probably won't be back online before Christmas, so just also want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!

  11. Deanna Fugate
    Deanna Fugate says:

    For the duch oven use some vinegar . Half water and half vinegar let it boil I would use a soft scub brush ( like from the dollar tree ) and while it's hot but not boiling for safety should come off

  12. Lisa Turner
    Lisa Turner says:

    Lovely video, Jennifer. Such a proud moment for Maria catching her fish! Well done to Peter as well. Joe did well to decorate his ninjabread before eating them! I just wanted to say that I love that you remind the kids to remove their hats for dinner. Often at restaurants I see caps on heads at the table. If parents don't teach their children at home, how will they ever learn basic manners for when they're out. You do such a wonderful job. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, from your friend in Australia 💖🌲💖


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