☕️Wednesday Coffee Chat with @LindseyMurphy & @IndigoNili

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5 replies
  1. Carol Elliott
    Carol Elliott says:

    I was an aerobics instructor with a fascination for nutrition. My training was very thorough in fitness, and muscle strengthening/techniques for the time. My “library” contains many books on both exercise and nutrition—for me it was never about knowing what to do, or how to do it—it was the application of those principles! Or at least that’s what I thought at the time. Having the lies about fat and and the sorry excuse for a food pyramid that was rolled out were definitely detrimental to my health! At 61, I have finally been able to lose the weight packed on during that time of my life! Joint pain is dissipating and I feel so much better. Now trying heal my gut issue as I have had random occurrences of issues related to diverticula’s disease. Doing an extended fast with broth and electrolytes—on day 3!

  2. Larry M. Cleghorn
    Larry M. Cleghorn says:

    Ok, ladies, I am that guy who drinks the olive oil from the can of sardines.

    On top of that. Last night, when I came in from the deck, from eating my sardines. Because my wife prefers I eat sardines outside.

    She asked, "What did you do with the empty sardine cans?"

    My response was, "I put them in a bag and threw them away in the trash can outside. Why?"

    While holding her nose, she said, "you smell like sardines!!"

    How did you two know??

    Be safe, Keto On, and God bless!


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