⌚ SHORTCUTS to get dinner on the table FAST! ⏲️ Quick dinner recipes

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48 replies
  1. Cynthia Mendoza-Torres
    Cynthia Mendoza-Torres says:

    I’ve been trying to dupe a similar dressing from a restaurant in central California. I added apple cider vinegar and a little sugar and hot and sweet paprika with 1/4 c ketchup and mayo instead of French dressing, garlic and onion powder and pepper. It tastes very similar to the restaurant I went to. Sadly that restaurant is closed due to retirement so I can’t do a side by side test when I visit my family.

  2. Adrienne J
    Adrienne J says:

    Hi Jen! I'm new from Christine's channel and I'm digging your approach to shortcut food that is much more nutritious than take out! And I remember eating those au gratin potatoes too. They're good!

  3. Jennifer Fulton
    Jennifer Fulton says:

    I am cracking up. I am on my own for dinner tonight and decided to keep it quick and easy. I made a burger (I buy the Impossible patties) waffle fries, and a salad. Then I sit down to watch this video and see my exact meal! It really is easy and always delicious!

  4. 90Stay
    90Stay says:

    Just what I needed! Especially as a very teacher this month . Favorite part was showing the process on the spot of going in finding a quick option- thank you! Will be trying several of these

  5. Gemykat
    Gemykat says:

    It all looks delicious. We can't cook every night, it just to much! I cook to meals for all week, then throw in some frozen, like orange chicken, with veggies, hamburgers , I made a stew,and potato soup, the rest of the ham,with the soup. We need to pace ourselves, do what working, it a busy time.love the idea's!

  6. Marisol Contigo
    Marisol Contigo says:

    I hate that about social media. Shaming other for what they eat. Specially with the hard times we are all living. Gas prices and groceries are insane!!!
    The constant shame has to stop. Everyone is just honestly trying to survive. And some dont care for being healthy and thats a choice they have, jo need to shame.

  7. Alexis Hampton
    Alexis Hampton says:

    My husband works nights, he doesn't very often want to eat dinner anymore. (Because it's dinner for breakfast for him) he lives in his truck at work so taking food isn't very convenient either. (Working on getting something for christmas) cooking for myself and my picky toddler it isn't as easy to stay motivated. So I NEED some easy meals. My toddler tends to enjoy them more anyways

  8. Angelina Niccole
    Angelina Niccole says:

    Between work, and school and extracurricular activities and on top of that I'm a full time student now, there are some nights I don't get dinner served till 7 or 8 at night. I love that you are realistic and honest with this video! 🥰

  9. chris faus
    chris faus says:

    My friend made these maple chili potatoes with little potatoes from aldi. She boiled them,smashed them and then fried them in a skillet with butter, maple syrup and chili powder. They were so delicious!!

  10. Patricia Hulett
    Patricia Hulett says:

    Thanks Jen for being Real. There are many of us that work full time and have family to take care of and it’s not realistic to cook from scratch daily, sometimes it’s hard enough to get to work on time, laundry, clean the house, grocery shopping, and the million other things on the To Do list. Thanks for the ideas, 💕

  11. Angela Hawkins
    Angela Hawkins says:

    Seriously yummy looking meals! There's nothing wrong with putting together easy meals. This world is so hectic, and feeding the family the most efficient way is OK. That way too, more time with your family.

  12. Hand made is better made
    Hand made is better made says:

    Cooked meat in the freezer is my absolute go to for fast food. Whether it’s leftover turkey or ham or I intentionally prep ground beef or chicken breast ahead and freeze it. Also seafood night is a favorite. I throw butterfly shrimp and salmon in the oven while I microwave a bag of broccoli and some potatoes or rice pilaf.

  13. Josette Rowan
    Josette Rowan says:

    This is my kind of video. On the busy week day when I've ran everyone to and from school done all the errands and all the chors, the last thing I want to do is spend hours cooking. I haven't found myself getting into freezer meals yet. So I like easy. I've tried meal kits but they can be very involved and take to long to follow all the steps. Thanks. Keepem coming.

  14. Cindy Cam
    Cindy Cam says:

    For the little potatoes, I love to just buy the bag…I always par boil first and then drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary & then roast in the oven at 425 until they at yummy (20 minutes or longer:))

  15. Dolores Krisky
    Dolores Krisky says:

    Kudos to you Jen! You are posting realistic meal prep for the normal family. I love your ideas! As a single nester I can use your ideas with making only a few modifications. So tired of meal prep for families of 10!!😄

  16. James N Brenda
    James N Brenda says:

    I have absolutely made almost every one of these meals in one fashion or another.
    Back when we had all 4 kids at home,
    Working full time, and hubby was going to night school at university.
    I was just thankful to have a fast meal that we could all sit down and eat together every night.
    It was more important to me that we had a meal at home and together than it was about gourmet cooking . When I had time I always did from scratch cooking. But man! Some days were just rough!🤷🏻‍♀️


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