You’re Not Going To Like What I’m Going To Say

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I was asked for my opinion…….. Download the PDF here: Go Presto: …

25 replies
  1. Recess
    Recess says:

    As a certified Master Preserver for over 10 years now, I applaud your stance! Your reasons are sensible, but let me provide you with a few more factual reasons. I can't even consider the "longevity" argument because I know that the Presto Electric Pressure Canner has FAILED all independent third party testing so far (as have any other electric pressure canners, or instapots). Presto use to have a USDA approved "seal" printed on the box, but it was something the Presto design folks placed on the box, as stated "USDA and NCHFP do not test or give approval for any equipment" they give guidelines. Presto is interpeting their own rin-house easearch against the guidelines and they, themselves, state that their electric pressure canner meets the guidelines. But again, it hasn't passed thrid party independent testing. So we don't even know if it is safe and accurate right out of the box, let alone how it will hold up over time. You're completely right, it's not worth playing Russian Roulette with your family's health. It's so refreshing to see someone on YouTube take a stance against this product rather than just gleefully going on their way using this and other "multi-cooker devices" (electric pressure COOKERS)…claiming that they're safe because the company says so on the box or that they've added a "canning" button to their touchpad and then they go on and on touting how "easy" it all is. By the way, I'm not anti-Presto…I have 2 standard Presto Pressure canners (besides an All American) and I love them and they are well used and have held up for years and years!

  2. Vampire Wizard
    Vampire Wizard says:

    It's the only way I can preserve my food. I have no stove in my senior apartment. A hot plate is too small for large canner. I use a Insta Pot with canning feature. I use it for meats and potatoes and I know I will be using them soon as food stamps were cut to $23 A month. Plus it was a blessing when my refrigerator died and I wanted to save what I could of my meat. I have had error codes if the pot doesn't get to the correct temperature.

  3. Female Crusader
    Female Crusader says:

    I am so glad you are talking about this, there is a YouTube channel that her background is science teacher. She uses a electric pressure canning cooker. She tested it by placing a temp reader inside and turned it on. She then seen it reached the temp required. And uses it all the time. I like what you said, pressure comes up but does it hold is another question and may last you 2-3 years. A canner can last many years. Just read the instructions on what heat source you plan to use then buy the canner that is best. So much info on pressure canning for food safety. Little things like moving the canner from the heat source to bring down the temp. is a no no also tilting the jars when taking it out because of water on the lids etc… Canning is not for everyone and only preserve what you eat. I Freeze food, I have pickled, I've not done canning yet or Fermentation. There is just three of us in my household. But I'm learning all I can on canning so if I need to I will try it as food prices keep rising where I live.

  4. Patricia Dinh
    Patricia Dinh says:

    Hi Sutton Daze!!! I just got a question for you. I was canning chicken and when I took it out, I notice that 2 of my jars was bubbling alot and the other 3 wasn't bubbling much, but I heard all 5 jars sealed. Is that normal or the other 3 jars bad now?

  5. Angela Wendling
    Angela Wendling says:

    One day I'll have a need to process small batches of something but for now I run 2 canners at a time- one I can stack and one I cant- just to process half of whats needed at any given time. I haven't ever considered these because it'd be a waste of my time and money but I have seen many use them. I've had my reservations of them as well and I'm glad you addressed this topic again. Maybe in years to come as I have less mouths to feed I might consider this (and by then they would have perfected it more) but I doubt it. It took me years to hop on the instant pot train lol and I still hardly use it.

  6. Puppy Lover
    Puppy Lover says:

    I really appreciate this video. I have an electric pressure canner and an All American. I haven't been able to use the All American due to the stove that was with the house when we bought it. Last night my gas range was delivered!!!! However I've been able to increase my pantry with the electric canner….. but now I'm going Old School!

  7. sharon s
    sharon s says:

    I have been on the fence about Electric canners, The reason is I have a glass top stove, You make a lot of great reasons not to now. You make sense. Thank you so much for taking the time to investigate it for us. Your idea to purchase a separate burner that's a good Idea. I trust a season canner then a company that is selling them. Thanks

  8. Janet Roche
    Janet Roche says:

    I'll stick with my traditional pressure canner. I don't mind buying new gauges, rings and whatever else I need for myself traditional canner because generally I can finding them on Amazon reasonably priced. I don't want to spend $300.00 + for something I'm not sure about

  9. Mary Green
    Mary Green says:

    My pressure canner arrived last week. All I had was a water bath canner but now I have both (it's a stove top by Presto with the jiggler). This summer I'll be rocking and rolling. Sprouting my seeds now…

  10. Carolyn Sinyard
    Carolyn Sinyard says:

    Thank you for this very informative video on electric pressure canner. Thank you for answering I question that you didn't even know I had about using a propane stove. You're channel is one of the first ones that I started watching to learn how to can and do it properly. Thank you again for all that you do to help us first time canners. Have a blessed week.

  11. Wild Nature Farm
    Wild Nature Farm says:

    Coming at it from a cost standpoint, who is going to pay for the new canner once they update the features to "meet the requirements" . For instance, I have an instant pot, watching tubers videos, I see so many changes. While I prefer my simpler version, the company sure wouldn't take that back and replace it with the new features, that would be up to me.


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