Your at-Home, Better-Than-Starbucks Egg Bites

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit Made with egg whites or whole eggs, these bitty bites take less than 30 minutes to make, and you can top them with whatever you …

39 replies
  1. Michael
    Michael says:

    From a culinary perspective, why separate the yolks if you're going to add all that cream? Is there a texture/flavor (or even health) advantage to using cream instead of the yolks?

  2. Martin Jonsson
    Martin Jonsson says:

    This reminds me of the crème brulée that you guys did in similar jars. That was super tasty! Although I did break a few containers trying to torch the sugar when they were cold. Not sure how to fix that.

  3. Saber Sight
    Saber Sight says:

    damm ChefSteps trying to get me to buy a suos vide again im getting almost on the edge of doing it too, the only thing not making me do it is because i live with a extremely small kitchen :/

  4. BB3000
    BB3000 says:

    my brother arthur dantowitz sexually abused me from 1974-1976, I remember he and his friends kenny rodman, ray adelstein, and gary bernstein raping me, I remember ray and gary forcing me to drink alcohol while laughing, they left me tied to the bed for hours

  5. K T
    K T says:

    I never got around to starbucks to try these but I really thought they were sous vide whole eggs with stuff on top to show off how the cooking method yields such interesting textures in the white and yolk. This is just a savory custard with toppings.

  6. Aimless Idiot
    Aimless Idiot says:

    The suspiciously white powder Grant doesn't want to name is cocaine , people! Cocaine I say! That is why he is being so secretive about it, and that is why everyone was going crazy about those Starbucks Egg Bites (which were also 'naturally enriched' with ze coca from ze coca plant, just like those from Grant πŸ˜‰)


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