You’ll Want To Make Your Quinoa Like This ALL The Time! (Protein + Iron Rich Vegan Recipe)!

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Title: “Delicious One-Pot Vegan Quinoa Recipe | Protein-Packed & Nutrient-Rich” Description: Looking for a quick and nutritious …

10 replies
  1. Char Covelesky
    Char Covelesky says:

    I love quinoa but it can be pricy and not easy to find here sometimes, so I cheat and use half rice and half quinoa to extend it. My electric stove is hard to regulate and I was forever burning pots, so now I usually make a never fail bulk batch with the Instant pot rice setting.

  2. imma
    imma says:

    great timing.. had some keenwah sitting in the cupboard for a while but was hesitant to make it bc the 1st attempt years ago didn't come out right -bitter, grainy. thanks!

  3. Soheila Rouhani
    Soheila Rouhani says:

    Thanks so much for sharing videos 🙏

    The quinoa should be soaked for six hours until the scum is removed, otherwise it can cause swelling and produce gas in the intestine and even taste bad, so please soak the quinoa for six hours and change the water twice so that the scum is removed. And the water is completely clean and clear
    Love and respect 🙏 ❤


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