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Very easy, quick way to make Indian Chai. And you can do other things while the chai gets done. No need to keep an eye on it. Ingredients: Makes 1 cup chai …

20 replies
  1. S
    S says:

    This seems unnecessarily inefficient.

    It makes more sense to put a larger quantity of ingredients in the usual pot (the one that comes as part of the Instant Pot) and make it that way, but I have never tried that so I'm not sure.

  2. Rene Sonse
    Rene Sonse says:

    I make yogi tea (fresh ginger, peppercorns, cardamon seeds, cinnamon sticks, cloves, liquid stevia for sweetener, milk, and black tea, ) two gallons at a time as I drink a lot of it and it is actually good for you. I use a fair amount of black tea because I need the lift and a lot of fresh ginger for the health benefits. I boil it for 20 minutes then let it slow cook for a few hours. I don't use my IP because my 6 qt. isn't quite big enough, but it could just as easily be done with one.

  3. MOBrienmusic
    MOBrienmusic says:

    How is this better than a microwave? I don’t get it. I mean, with other foods, sure. But for this Tea…Why not just shove the mug in the microwave for 60 seconds and be done with it?


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