You Should Be Doing This To Bacon Before You Cook It

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(Almost) everybody loves bacon, but how many of us know how to make perfectly cooked bacon every time? When you really think about it, you’ve probably …

45 replies
  1. Eleora Leong
    Eleora Leong says:

    untill now i don't understand why some people never had a chance to try eat pork , i mean the taste of bacon is awesome….
    in Hong Kong (Char Siew Bao/BBQ bacon) are a part of bacon breakfast too……

    bacon the best breakfast always

  2. Tiny TT
    Tiny TT says:

    I wrap my thick cut bacon ( cut in threes – for 3 halves for the peppers) around a cream cheese filled jalapeno ( de-seeded and de-vained) and place in the oven for 15 min. I then turn the oven light on to make sure the bacon doesn't burn.
    Best jalapeno poppers ever. Cheaper than store bought breaded ( yuck) ones.

  3. Marv Beachler
    Marv Beachler says:

    Yes, there are a lot of methods to cook bacon. My preference is to coat the bacon in flour with a teaspoon of black prepper added. Place on parchment paper and bake 25 to 30 minutes 350 degrees F. There will ne no curling and the flour/pepper mix gives the bacon a more substantial feel and is nice and crispy.

  4. C.S. Allsman
    C.S. Allsman says:

    To much work. The best way is a cast iron pan and a bacon press. Quick, simple and perfectly flat bacon. The biggest plus is you can cook your eggs in the left over bacon grease. Nothing better…..

  5. SweetSue E
    SweetSue E says:

    I found out that Wendy's Restaurant bakes their bacon. I tried and I love it. The only way you will burn the bacon, is if you leave it in the oven to long. A good cook stays in the kitchen, to keep and eye on things cooking.

  6. Stacy Stalstone
    Stacy Stalstone says:

    I put a baker's cooling rack into a baking sheet. Place a pound of bacon on the rack laying rashers side x side and let it rest until it's near room temperature. Bake at 400F for 12 minutes. Perfect every time. Pour grease from baking sheet into mason jar and cover with a lid and save it in a cupboard for baking, sauté or frying

  7. BloozeDaddy
    BloozeDaddy says:

    Put your bacon on a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Spray first with cooking spray or use Reynolds Non-stick Foil. Put in oven at 350 F (no need to preheat). 18 minutes for regular cut and 22-24 mins for thick cut. Save that bacon grease for frying by straining it through a fine strainer into a jar. Nectar of The Gods.

  8. westcoastpetr
    westcoastpetr says:

    Not renowned for its health benefits. – actually it’s very good for you. JACC (Journal of American Cardiologists) released a report in 2020, where a meta analysis was done on all the saturated fat studies, and much to their surprise – they’ve been wrong all along. Not only does saturated fat not increase heart disease, it’s beneficial to your health. Stop eating those damn seed oils, and claiming they are healthy. PUFAs (polyunsaturated fats) are highly unstable and prone to oxidation. In addition, your mitochondria love saturated fat, but find it difficult to process PUFAs for energy.


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