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Learn how to heal your abs after pregnancy with these best exercises for diastasis recti. This workout targets the core muscles to …

28 replies
  1. Casey White
    Casey White says:

    You go mama! I'm also five months postpartum with baby #3 and I love working out from home. I use pregnancy and postpartum TV workouts they are short snd sweet perfect for a busy mama and they all are diastasis recti safe 🙂

  2. Jeannine Howard
    Jeannine Howard says:

    I had a problem with a prolapse and the breathing exercises sucked my uterus and bladder right back where they belong. Whenever I feel like they are slipping again, I do my breathing by pushing out all the air I can in my tummy and pushing my tummy into the small of my back. It works wonders.

  3. Simone Clarke
    Simone Clarke says:

    That’s so awesome, good for you! Just starting a routine is half the battle. Your motivation will naturally increase the longer you keep up with your routine, then before you know it there will be nothing that will stand in your way of your exercise time💖

  4. Cassie G.
    Cassie G. says:

    Great that you’re doing this Laura! I’m determined to do this in between each pregnancy. I love Pregnancy and PP TV here on YouTube. She has ton of info to share, even some beginner stuff which is good cause some things actually can make DR worse if you go too strong at first. I’ve used her vids twice now to heal up after baby.

  5. Victoria Johnson
    Victoria Johnson says:

    Always important to keep a big focus on keeping momma healthy and strong. During the mom season i saw it as selfish. Now i can see that i should have taken care of me for my kids!!! Taking care of me would have benefited my kids then and now. I ran myself into the ground running crazy as a single mom trying not to let anything fall off the plate.

  6. EmeryShae
    EmeryShae says:

    These exercises seem a bit advanced for when you are just starting out. I highly recommend checking out Jared Beckstrand and his program Mommy Tummy Fix. He is on YouTube under Tone & Tighten. You first need to learn how to engage your abdominal muscles correctly and breathe correctly. Also, being on all fours puts tremendous pressure on your abdominal muscles from the inside and may hinder your healing. It’s very worth it to find a professional to guide you. Jared is a physical therapist who specializes in helping women heal their diastasis recti.

  7. Intro to Music
    Intro to Music says:

    Excellent info! I have to do some similar core exercises for a slipping vertebra (spondylolisthesis). As @jackimanley3056 says below, keep your abs tight even when doing the cat move, because extending the back (as you had to do in gymnastics) is really bad for the spine. I find warming up with lying on my back and doing the "pelvic tilt" and "dead bug" exercises really helps isolate those muscles to better focus on them. Working the back muscles (ick, side and front planks) keeps the core balanced. As your midwife said, avoid crunches and bending from the waist, too.

  8. A T
    A T says:

    Woohooo. I'm so proud of you for working on healing your body! I should have taken better care of my diastasis recti. I used a bengkung wrap for many years but I needed to do more. I had complete separation, sternum to navel was fixed surgically however navel down wasn't mendable at that time.
    You've encouraged me to try physical exercises specifically for it again. Thank you!

  9. Boots and Bounty Homestead
    Boots and Bounty Homestead says:

    Good for you!! Mine was too far gone because when I had my 3 babies, I was diabetic and gained over 100 lbs with my first one and it was worthless after that. I never recovered over 12 years of babies and after so much weight gain and then so much weight loss 8 years after the babies, I couldn't fix mine. My abs were at least 4" apart and I kept having sever back pain. I broke down and had an abdominoplasty and it was the best thing ever! My abs were sewn back together and they have healed back beautifully and my back pain is gone, except when I REALLY over do it, lol. I hope it works for you and many others that follow you! The surgery was rough but for me very worth it because I was never going to fix it myself. Great of you for doing this video for others to see!

  10. Jacki Manley
    Jacki Manley says:

    When you perform the cat cow move, make sure you're not actually pushing your belly out, just relaxing it, never push out it can make diastasis worse 😉 great job! It is hard to make time for exercise but it makes me feel so much better! 🙂 Blessings!

  11. free in Jesus
    free in Jesus says:

    I would stay away from yoga. It is part of the false religion of hinduism. Each pose they are paying homage to one of the demons they worship. It is actually very harmful spiritually and physically over time.


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