You gotta earn the title of “bbq”

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50 replies
  1. achanwahn
    achanwahn says:

    Random aside: Jack fruit saves lives in the original country it's from as it is used as a meat substitute. And they do barbecue it. It's really fleshy. I think it's interesting that it's this century's pineapple, but for the Americans

  2. Heronblade86
    Heronblade86 says:

    I'm not Southern and while I have my own ideas about how best to prepare things like barbecue, I'm certainly not a purist. Crockpot, smoked, Luau, All are welcome as far as I am concerned, because all of them have merits.

    But the minute somebody tries to walk in and pass off jackfruit as if it belonged in the same breath as a good slab of meat the mood of the room is definitely going to change.

  3. jimwormmaster
    jimwormmaster says:

    To be fair, my dad did do jackfruit once like pulled pork, which was good…but give me the real stuff any day. Never did get to try his pulled pork, he made it when I wasn't visiting, and the leftovers died when the freezer did..

    But yeah, that ain't real barbecue. angry Texan noises

  4. Kevin Griffith
    Kevin Griffith says:

    Funny how people here in Idaho will call a "grill" a bbq. But I still use what they call a "smoker" and say I'm gonna bbq. I may have been born in Idaho, but my family comes from the south. I know what bbq is.

  5. Was_Meep25
    Was_Meep25 says:

    Okay, vegan food is okay…but vegan meat?! I swear if I invite you to my house for a potluck and you bring vegan meat into my home. I swear to God you ain't gonna leave in one piece. And definitely not without some trauma

  6. Thomas George
    Thomas George says:

    I could stand the slow cooker… but you put chemical fake shit on filth masquerading as meat. Remember Sherman's march to the sea? The Mayor of Atlanta tried to give him a similar "peace offering."


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