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Mexico Grocery Store Video: #shorts #XtraHotTakis #Takis #spicy #SpicySnack #XtraHotTakies My cooking and camera gear: …

50 replies
  1. Jobby Bobby
    Jobby Bobby says:

    Anyone else bothered by people who's voice sounds like they always have a cold? Nothing she can do about it, but I can't listen for more than 5 seconds without getting annoyed.

  2. Ingrid A.
    Ingrid A. says:

    Translation of the bag! (It's very dramatic lol)

    "Put your intensity to the test with the spiciness meter."

    Then, in the white box:
    "Expert. Takis expert level is the maximum spiciness challenge, only fit for those who are truly brave."

    And the last part:
    "Have you been left craving? Don't forget about the original flavor!" (And then it shows the picture of Takis Fuego).

    Hope this helps!

  3. juan carlos
    juan carlos says:

    Here in Mexico we usually ate those with Valentina(a comercial sauce for chips) and lemon juice, it gets really acid jajaja and some of my cousins even use the Valentina extra spicy, I personally dont like takis because i think it's just salty and dont have any spicy on it, but i don't mind habanero sauce or "salsa macha"(i think it's the spiciest sauce that i have ever tried) maybe you could like it:)


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