Xiao Zhan nuốt nước bọt khi nhìn thấy nồi lẩu,vị cay quê hương mà tôi nhớ nhất:cá luộc,thịt luộc,sò

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Xiao Zhan nuốt nước bọt khi nhìn thấy nồi lẩu,vị cay quê hương mà tôi nhớ nhất:cá luộc,thịt luộc,sò.

45 replies
  1. WEI BO
    WEI BO says:

    I'm updating the translation, will let you know when it's done, thank you for waiting
    Tôi đang cập nhật bản dịch ,sẽ thông báo sau khi hoàn thành , cảm ơn các bạn đã chờ đợi
    กำลังปรับปรุงคำแปลค่ะ เสร็จแล้วจะแจ้งนะคะ ขอบคุณที่รอนะคะ
    Estoy actualizando la traducción, te avisaré cuando esté lista, gracias por esperar
    Я обновляю перевод, сообщу, когда все будет готово, спасибо за ожидание

  2. Linda Panyaleuth
    Linda Panyaleuth says:

    Xiao Zhan looks bright, crisp, and comfortable in the kitchen using Zwilling's cookware! His eyes lit up looking at the hot pot, and his love for cooking is like the feeling of going home, so warm and nice! ❣😊

  3. Lucia Pinto
    Lucia Pinto says:

    Please translate into English! I'm watching Even if I don't understand a Word, obviously they are talking about cooking ando meals, XZ loves cooking , he is gorgeus as always, enjoy the meal! Hope see his new serie son. You yao…

    CHARLY SILVA says:

    XZ alegra mucho verte hacer tantas cosas, te felicito y desde Colombia se te ama y admira, contigo y con WY por siempre.
    NOTA: Por favor opciones de idioma al español para Latinoamérica, muchas gracias.

  5. Wong
    Wong says:

    My king Xiao Zhan love you 🤴👍👍👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏👏👏💕💕💕💕💕💕🌹🌻🌹🌻🌹🌻😍😍😍🍻


    Видно, что Сяо Чжань расстроен, он улыбается, но глаза грустные – переживает за свой родной город Чунцин. Желаю поскорее преодолеть все беды и несчастья. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Jeff Albertson
    Jeff Albertson says:

    Schade, dass Xiao Zhan nicht selber gekocht hat ( ausser den Kochlöffel mal kurz gerührt ), aber beim kochen zugeschaut und die Gerichte auch gekostet hat. 😋
    Xiao Zhan hatte sehr viel Spaß mit den Zwillingsprodukten. 🤗
    Sein Lächeln ist so herzerwärmend! 😍
    Ich freue mich auf deutsche oder englische Untertitel!
    Sehr erfolgreiche Sendung nur von schauen ohne was zuverstehen! 😅


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