WYW Live Hangout Ep 133 – Eating in Restaurants, July Challenge Recap, Luka Hangs Out

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We had a great time on this live hangout talking about how or July challenge month went. We also went over what to do when you …

35 replies
  1. Barbara
    Barbara says:

    I get teased when I refuse to accept an invitation from our friends to go to a steakhouse for dinner. I state "I don't eat meat" and they come back with "well I'm sure they'll have some twigs and berries you can eat", quite snarky. I just smirk and walk away. And of course they're pretty unhealthy looking to boot, so there you go!

  2. Holding It Together with Spit and Baling Wire
    Holding It Together with Spit and Baling Wire says:

    Thank you for your excellent analysis of the challenges that people who choose a WFPB way of eating face when dealing with non-WFPB-eaters. I am almost 70 and my husband is almost 86 and we have the easiest time when we simply limit ourselves to eating at home 3 times a day. However, I have found that lunches are easier to manage for us than breakfasts or dinners. People in France eat too late–8pm compared to our 5-6pm dinner-hour–at dinner and that is simply a deal breaker for me. I have had GERD attacks in the past and do not want food on my stomach at 10pm, no way. So, if we accept food-related invitations, it will invariably be for a lunch. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of your fans, Reebs & Dillon! Your work is great!

  3. Donna Tecce
    Donna Tecce says:

    This is the most precious real video. To watch both of you w this beautiful child melts my heart. And yes. Dillon is SO in love w his son he can barely focus on the video which to me is so awesome. He's transed out w this child, rightly so. Lovechim staring……
    And Reebs, you are clearly the most natural beautiful mother I've seen. Your dynamics are just pure love. All three. No wonder this child is so fabulous and chill. Best to you all. Xo

  4. Butterfly Love
    Butterfly Love says:

    Luca is PRECIOUS!!!! Y’all are a sweet family & very blessed!!
    Thank you for ALL the baby sharing!!! Dillon, your adorable son looks like you!!!! Reebs is such a loving momma; I can tell…& you’re a loving daddy, as well, Dillon.👶❤️

  5. Doina Campean
    Doina Campean says:

    You guys are cuter than puppies and kittens put together 🙂 Cuteness is so thick you could cut it with a knife 🙂
    But here's a reminder from not-dad-Dillon to dad-Dillon: big difference between tofu and tempeh 🙂 Tofu has a bunch of water taken out of the beans, therefore more calorie dense, whereas tempeh is just beans, albeit fermented, so as calorie dense as the beans.
    On a recent StarTalk with Neil DeGrasse Tyson I found out that it has been scientifically measured that Phoenix, Arizona is three quarters of a mile from the Sun. Still, I think some herbs must be growing even there. I recently found chervil and I'm fascinated with the flavours it adds to anything you can add a herb to. 🙂 So, you know, just in case you find yourselves with too much time on your hands and get bored 🙂

  6. Kay Birum
    Kay Birum says:

    LOL…I luv it! Watching you being distracted by Luka is sooo fun Dillon!😘 If you did not pay attention us moms would comment negatively! 🙃 Just go with the flow & know we all understand. Luka will so enjoy seeing how much you two luv him as he grows up! Great memories…bravo!💕

  7. Barbara Liston
    Barbara Liston says:

    This was so much fun to watch you and Reebs stay on track with Luka being included all the way, I love your parenting style, and your natural impulse to shower him with love 'n kisses. He is so irresistable♥

  8. Kim Salas
    Kim Salas says:

    I was curious if you take an enzyme with your food, especially when you’re eating beans, broccoli, etc. to avoid discomfort? Can you recommend something? Can I use other foods to help digest those things? Thanks

  9. Sherry Ellesson
    Sherry Ellesson says:

    I missed the live but enjoyed the replay incl. chat comments. Luka is going to be manning the control booth for you guys by 1st grade! He sure is a Dillon Mini-me! I didn't do a July challenge, as I was dealing with the remains of broken arm phys therapy and a newly broken foot when my dog dragged me off the front porch. At that point my challenge was indulging less in feeling bad for myself but my food was all in line. I'm thinking a quarterly challenge would be cool for me. See you guys tomorrow (Friday)!


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