WYW Live Hangout Ep 130 – Monthly Challenge, Importance of Community, & Serving Sizes

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On today’s live hangout, we talked about our Monthly Challenge that will help you stay on track and create attainable goals!

21 replies
  1. Butterfly Love
    Butterfly Love says:

    👶Yes!! Baby hour please!!! He’s adorable!!!!! Congratulations to you, both!!! Old vintage baby rattles might be made of BPA, toxic painted decorations, etc.🤷‍♀️ Lastly, new parents are entitled to repeat themselves, or not pay attention. 👍👍 Y’all are a precious family! 🌱🕊❤️

  2. John James
    John James says:

    I think it is selfish to pay more attention to your first born than WYE content 😀. Of course I kid. I missed seeing videos from you and yours as of late and was glad this popped up. Your son is so cutes. Yes plural. Cutes. Congrats again

  3. Belinda Knowles
    Belinda Knowles says:

    My internet always alows down and buffers when I am watching your live. I usually have to watch the replay. Thank you for all you and Reebs do! What you do is so important. Don’t feel bad about the need to charge the little bit that you do. You do so much for free. Love you guys ((HUGS))

  4. Bon D.
    Bon D. says:

    I cannot believe someone came down on you for selling your stuff. Even if you supplied directions on how to make the products you sell, who would make those?! Omg people want everything for free! You guys give ao much free. Shame on that person, very ungrateful, makes me mad! 😠

  5. HappyComfort
    HappyComfort says:

    Sometimes a baby is fussy simply because it can’t see you. Like if a friend they don’t know holds your baby and it fusses if they turn it out towards you so it can see you. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get it to stop. Of course that doesn’t always work 😂 Lobe your recipes and appreciate all your hard work! 🥳🌷😊👍💝


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