WYW Live Hangout Ep 118 – Holidays, Medical Procedures, Special Announcements

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It was another fun live hangout! We are right smack dab in the holiday season now, and were talking about all of the delicious plant-based meals we’ve been …

38 replies
  1. Peter R.
    Peter R. says:

    Dillon, have you ever made bread from wet-ground sprouted wheat berries and grains? It's technically flour-free, so….🤣 Seriously though, I got tired of paying our the nose for Ezekiel Bread, so I just make my own now for like $1.00 per pound. I simply sprout my grains/seeds/lentils, and drain them, then put them directly into the food processer without adding extra water, and after some yeast, and 10 to 15 minutes of blending, (add salt AFTER the yeast + grains are blended and allowed to bloom for a bit) a nice doughball starts to climb the walls of the processer. I let it rise a couple times, place it into a parchment lined bread pan, let it rise high, and bake it. It's my favorite thing right now! The flavor is like….I can't even explain it.

    Let me put it this way: Homemade sprouted grain bread is to homemade prepackaged-flour bread, as homemade prepackaged-flour bread is to shelf-stable-ready-to-eat-prepackaged bread. It's THAT much better! I eat it every day, and I suppose it's because the grains are still partially intact, I can eat as much as I want, and I don't gain a bit of weight from it!

  2. rezillo
    rezillo says:

    I've got to comment on your comments about the American medical system. Why do doctors order so much testing and so many procedures? In a word, to avoid getting sued! The medical system is lawyer driven. The American Trial Lawyers Association is one of the biggest, if not THE biggest contributor to the Democratic Party, so they'll tooth and nail against tort reform.

    When Obamacare started, and Obama announced his sweeping new program, you didn't hear a word about tort reform. European countries may have free health care; what the DON:T have is the outrageous punitive damage awards we have in this country. So next time you think your doctor is ordering too many procedures and tests, remember, he or she is just covering their butt. There you have it.

  3. plantfueledmamab Kansas
    plantfueledmamab Kansas says:

    First, thank you for addressing my IP question and responding to my email! Second, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I had a feeling that this was coming and I'm so happy for you both! Beware, boy names were extremely difficult for my husband and I to agree on. We decided on Hunter for our son, who is also an April baby. Please know that this is your child, lives and show, so you should move the live cooking show to a day that works for you and everyone will adapt. Thank you both for being so genuine and generous, you're going to make fantastic parents!


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