Would you eat beans for dessert?

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You can get the pre-made sweetened red beans here: https://amzn.to/3jjZ9J4 OR cook the raw azuki beans yourself! https://amzn.to/3A2Etfn This is the recipe I …

29 replies
  1. Zachary Ma
    Zachary Ma says:

    When the buns come out crinkly you over cooked them it is very important to pull them the second they are ready. I also put a thin cloth around the lid to catch the steam so it doesn't fall back on the buns.

  2. Le person
    Le person says:

    Idk why but I just can't seem to like red beans bun I've tried more than once and it's just not my taste, everyone that eat it says that it's delish or awesome but when I eat it's just "ew" yk? And I think that red beans bun is so cute and fluffy I really wanted to enjoy eating it :'((

  3. Bro Dor
    Bro Dor says:

    The buns will be smoother if you let the dough rest longer, or if you mix them longer. Resting is more ideal as the longer you mix them, the chewier they will get

  4. 딸기 가 좋아
    딸기 가 좋아 says:

    I would love these if the beans were salty
    As an African, sweet beans just don’t taste right lol. I think it’s an acquired taste but I prefer it salty anyways. Salty garlic bean paste in these buns would slap 😋

  5. AmyD
    AmyD says:

    My mom worked for a Japanese owned company when I was in highschool and she would sometimes be given japanese snacks from higher ups who had to travel to and from Japan on a regular basis, which she would bring home to me and my sister. On one occasion she brought home a package of tiny red bead cakes shaped like Kabuki masks. They were so good I told my mom if she had the choice, to bring me only those. Lol!


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