WORKING MOM WEEKEND PREP ROUTINE ✅ || Cooking + Chores + Toy Rotation + Work

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Join me for a working mom weekly prep where I get so much done for the week! My working mom weekend prep routine involves …

13 replies
  1. Katie Mama of 3
    Katie Mama of 3 says:

    Loved the video, you all make a great team. My four year old has stopped playing with her toys lately and I think rotating them will refresh them I'm praying. This weekend we are having my in-laws and brother-in-law's family over for supper to watch the KY Derby tonight.

  2. Miss Sunrise
    Miss Sunrise says:

    I rely so much on paper towels 😕 would like to see how you use the cloths…do you only use once? Where do you hang them? Just wondering how this actually works. Maybe in a clean with me video? 😉

  3. Blessings 3
    Blessings 3 says:

    Sarah, what was the powder stuff you put in the girls cups? I like how you checked the smoke detectors. It's going to be a rainy weekend, so I have no clue what I'm going to be doing 😆


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