WiP It Wednesday #173 Happy Thanksgiving

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WiP It Wednesday for Wednesday November 24, 2021. What’s a WiP? A WiP is short for Works In Progress. WiP it Wednesday is where I show the craft projects …

38 replies
  1. Anna Taylor
    Anna Taylor says:

    Robin, I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. My husband and I had a small Thanksgiving dinner today with my daughter at her house. The oldest granddaughter is spending this holiday and weekend with her other grandmother and family. Meanwhile, my youngest granddaughter is in the COVID-19 quarantine dorm wing at her college. Since she was already fully vaccinated, her breakthrough case was mild and she is already getting better.

    We will be doing a Zoom call in a few hours with all of our family to do our traditional Christmas Ornament Exchange on Thanksgiving.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

  2. StitchPennies
    StitchPennies says:

    Robin! It was so nice to see your face in this video! Now, I suspect you have other videos where we can see your face but I don’t get to tune in very often and all the other videos I’ve seen is of your hands working on your projects. It was a real treat to see you, happy Thanksgiving, and I hope that dinner turns out just great for you and you have a wonderful time celebrating with your family.

  3. Karen Kluwin
    Karen Kluwin says:

    Hi Robin!! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours 🙂
    I must have missed a few videos….love the set up you have going on behind you. All the shelves and baskets and such!
    Watched Kate @ The Last Homely House yesterday – she is using your calculator tape sewing for an Along – her version of a sew along. She mentions you quite a bit, as well as Karen Brown from Just Get It Done -her timer. Such a small world going on. Karen in Canada, you in Florida, and Kate in northern England.
    Enjoy your leftovers =)

  4. Beverley Simmons
    Beverley Simmons says:

    Hi there i haven’t forgotten about you . I have slowed in sewing and my sister in law brought out a bagful of material and my Aunt did as well ho my knitting a sweater for one of the girls for her granddaughter size 10 fairisle.. we had a few upsets Russell ended up in the hospital had a mini stroke but home been a pest., weather is wet and foggy across Newfoundland they are having a big storm coming from Halifax we get the tail end of it. Good to see you you keeping busy . Lots of love i be here again lol

  5. Jodie Roundtree
    Jodie Roundtree says:

    happy thanksgiving Robin. Enjoy your family time! I jumped the gun and did the full dinner 2 weeks ago so I am not as hungry about it this time around 😀 I am cooking today to take things to my nephews 1st turn as host

  6. Marion Hume
    Marion Hume says:

    Hi Robin and nesters. To those of you and your families celebrating Thanksgiving this week, May it be full of blessings and joyful memories. To the rest of us have a wonderful week. Robin, I love your projects as usual.

  7. Kathy Terrell
    Kathy Terrell says:

    We usually go to my middle daughter's house for Thanksgiving. She doesn't live very far away, but that seems to be the only time the whole family goes to her house. The grandkids enjoy it because she has lots of toys and games. Enjoy your time with family, and to everyone else, enjoy your week, and family if possible in person, if not, blessings long distance.

  8. Susan B
    Susan B says:

    The red and white striped fabric as suspenders is a great idea. Batik has been my favorite fabric for a long time. When I first started sewing I’m not sure batik was available to buy as fabric (I’m older than you) but I would buy blouses made from it.
    I used to make myself a (small sized) turkey dinner just like my mother made when I was growing up in order to have leftovers. My family all lived a long way away and I had two dogs and cats that can’t be left alone for more than a few hours. I’ll throw something together on Thursday. Save some turkey for the kitties.
    Hope you enjoy the Day, you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Barbara Andrews
    Barbara Andrews says:

    My goodness, Robin, you've been busier than Santa's elves this last week! I have not yet dabbled with paper piecing but have gathered a few templates ready for my when I do. I particularly liked your batik blocks because of the rich colours. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, your cooking plans had my mouth longing for our Christmas turkey.😻

  10. Alaska Crafty Gal Victoria
    Alaska Crafty Gal Victoria says:

    Lovely projects! ( as usual 🤗❤️ ) I look forward to your WiP it Wednesday Videos. Thank you for sharing. I wish you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving! I look forward to spending the holiday weekend with my family and grand babies! (we just had our 3rd grand baby born Nov. 3rd.) ❤️

  11. Elizabeth Sawyer
    Elizabeth Sawyer says:

    Thank you Robin. Lovely stuff as usual! We are having Christmas with our son and his family who are all in the throws of Covid 19 at the moment but should be all better by Christmas🤞🤞🤞 Hope you have a happy thanksgiving. 💕


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