Why you ””can’t”” lose belly fat

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0:00 Intro and DBR with MCT capsules 4:02 Dr Boz IG promo 5:15 Stubborn belly fat 6:17 Subcutaneous fat vs Visceral fat 9:00 …

32 replies
  1. Pouranii Eskandari
    Pouranii Eskandari says:

    I wanna use those gel mct’s but i have a big belly on ozempic and not good with fat lots of bloating with anything i eat or drink. 50 pounds over weight can i take those with no issues and don’t eat as much?

  2. Joyce Grande
    Joyce Grande says:

    This is helpful in so many ways. I am currently doing carnivore for the last 3 months after being keto for 3 years. I lost 120 lbs on keto and kept it off except for 15 lbs that came on after having a sepsis about 8 months ago, Now keto does not work and I's like to lose 30 lbs. My ketones are not high enough from having high protein on carnivore. I have not lost weight on carnivore either but I am trying to trust the process. I fast 16 – 18 hours daily. Would your ketone supplement work in my case? BTW, I am 73 yo.

  3. Sonya Johnson
    Sonya Johnson says:

    But what I would like addressed is ozempic and fasting together, because that's what I do, and it's working for me, but how is the difference in fat and muscle loss with that? Down 139lbs in 18 months. I can't seem to get any response from any youtubers to talk about this view point.

  4. Dianne Elizabeth
    Dianne Elizabeth says:

    59 and post Menopausal. Was always very streamlined until the “shutdown”. Gained 10. Mostly belly, bra hang over & thighs. I’ve even caught the flu a couple times since & only drank water for 3-4 days. Nothing lost. I used to lose so fast up to this point that I had to be careful

  5. Sus M
    Sus M says:

    Hi! Great video. I tried to buy the MCT but the website was down. Did you all break her website??? 😂JK Is it getting worked on? I want to access my course and buy some MCT as well. Thank you for all of the great info Dr. Boz. Love it!

  6. Lenette Sanders
    Lenette Sanders says:

    @drboz , I got my Keto-Mojo in and I took a reading at the end of my 48 hour fast and I'm amazed. I'm basically carnivore but occasionally eat a few carbs. My glucose is 53, my ketone 6.4. I'm trying to get rid of the belly fat. I'm 65 years old, 5'1", 118 lbs.

  7. David Toms
    David Toms says:

    if I get the book and workbook will it take me through the entire process? what foods to eat, how to test, using suppliments? I cant find the course on line so will the books suffice?

  8. WL
    WL says:

    A carnivore diet is a zero carb diet. This is VERY effective at healing sugar addiction. Sometimes just a ketogenic diet is not enough. Check out Judy Cho and Laura Spath for more info on a carnivore diet for sugar addiction… 😍

  9. Alice Rivas
    Alice Rivas says:

    Can you hack Ozempic by being carnivore or Keto? I eat sardines for lunch and then a sensible dinner. I’m trying to lose weight. I have 100 lbs to lose and my doctor wants me to get on Ozempic. I’m scared to use it since I know that you only lose fat in the absence of insulin. But my doctor said, that Ozempic helps with hunger and satiety. Is there a way to use both your method (sardine fast) etc. and be on Ozempic and still maintain lean tissue?

  10. Velma West
    Velma West says:

    I am so frustrated. If I don't eat every 12 hours or so my HS-CRP rises – a lot. Fasting does one thing.. increases my inflammation. No on addresses this. Likely because no one is testing HS-CRP.

  11. Patty Johnson
    Patty Johnson says:

    PS this is Patty again I just wrote please help Dr. boss anyways I am the pucker up and all keto‘s for me are so very very expensive, but I feel desperate so I may break down and buy one and have my husband yell at me might be worth it if I do a fast do I want to take the key tones then or save them for when I’m done with my fast and take them for I think you mentioned two weeks how many times a day? And if I put a little bit of water in it, do I sip it or chug that little bit?

  12. Patty Johnson
    Patty Johnson says:

    HELP DR BOZ – i’ve been keto 3 1/2 months I ate no sugar substitute for the first two months the first month I lost 18 pounds now I’m at a slow trickle. It’s been 28 pounds. I did great had no problems two meals a day after two months I did a 48 hour fast I did not check any glucose or ketones till just a couple weeks ago I have high glucose and I have low low key tones I’m going to oh I do the 16 eight fast every day. I’m going to move my window down to 5 to 6 hours and bring it closer to about 4 o’clock for dinner, one thing that might not be good is I’m a night owl my body will not wake up in the morning unless I’m working which I’m not right now so I stay up till one to three in the morning and I get up between 1030 and 11 like I said I’m doing really good on keto no problems except for now my low key tones and the fact that never never did I feel full of energy got rid of my brain fog because I did not mentally I just nothing changed. I stick to the diet really close. I measure everything I do carb manager I did do net carbs. I’ve now moved to total carbs and I try to eat as soon as I get up about 1130. Any thoughts?

  13. Sandra Messinger
    Sandra Messinger says:

    I am a returning Keto keeper – 52 yr old woman, 179lb, 5'5''. Doing 36 hour weekly fast, weight lifting 3x's week, walking other days. This fast (my 3rd) my GKI was 0.8 at 24 hours in. (ketones 4.5 and glucose 68.) I'm wondering if this is too much or if I'm ok to keep going?


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