Why Most Indians Don't Build Muscle (And How To Fix It)

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9 replies
  1. @lomenix1501
    @lomenix1501 says:

    I hadn't fully grasped what skinnyfat means until I saw an indian dude in the gym locker room. His midsection was so round, so plump, almost… motherly. If he didn't reek of rancid oil who knows what I would've done…

  2. @squidikka
    @squidikka says:

    High oil, high fat, lots of sugar. Has less to do with protein intake (though this is important too) and more about what's going in and lifestyle choices, as you correctly pointed out with the chai parties. Genetics play a large part as well, and if I'm being honest, I don't see much of a push or value on being swol in south asian culture. It's mostly the younger generation that has been exposed to western cultures that have the initiative to get ripped.

  3. @swissorsweep
    @swissorsweep says:

    Protein should be a priority! Also, how do you get your window of you talking overlaid the photos? What software are you using? You seem to be able to move windows around in real time which is awesome.

  4. @shomit0646
    @shomit0646 says:

    Ima just make a short awnser right off the bat – it's because south asian diet consists of a lot of high concentrated fat and low protein. Especially Ghee or dhaal, these kinds of common foods are regressing towards having the ideal physique. So we need more better choices like greek yogurt or lean meats.


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