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Start a business with Shopify today: As sparkling water brands like Bubly and LaCroix pop up …

42 replies
  1. Future Proof
    Future Proof says:

    Hey everyone! Pinning this comment for visibility, but at 4:43 we DEFINITELY mean carbon dioxide, please don't put carbon monoxide in your water 😜 Thanks to everybody who caught that + thanks for joining us here !!

  2. V S
    V S says:

    Switched from la croix to SodaStream. Definitely saving money.

    I calculated the cost per drink based on how many ounces it says of the canisters are good for, and compare that to you the number of cans of lacroix that I drink, generally the sodastream is cheaper by my second canister. And I'm also just glad that I'm not putting so much waste in the landfills

  3. Taejas Kudva
    Taejas Kudva says:

    I feel like I know more people who regularly use an instant pot than I don't….

    It surely wrankles that Pepsi bought Soda Stream on terms of mission statement, but really, are the people involved required to say no to piles of money?

  4. Personality Of Brick Wall
    Personality Of Brick Wall says:

    depending where you are, you dont need an industrial sized canister… aquarium shops sells mid sized tanks for the hobby, and some small one are aluminum with a generic valve.
    and aquarium shops can refill your tanks on the cheap if you cant get a food safe co2 refill station.

    my motto is if its safe for my fish, its safe for me.
    why foodsafe… non-food safe co2 might have contaminants like Carbon monoxide or oil from the compressor.

  5. Em.
    Em. says:

    It's much more affordable to buy a soda siphon. The cartridges are much cheaper to buy (they come in packs of 10), and you don't have to buy new plastic bottles(because the soda stream bottles have expiry dates, the only part on a siphon you replace is the CO2 cartridge).
    Maintenance can be costly, but it will last much longer (it's mostly reinforced aluminum, and minor plastic parts).
    I have one from the 50s that is working like new, they have a pretty strong after market with replacement parts and cartridges (they also got tutorials on youtube).
    I own a sodastream as well, and like you said, it was thrown out. I found it while dumpster diving, with cartridge and all. I don't enjoy it as much because it doesn't hold bubbles as strongly as a siphon, that can be primed and stored in the fridge over a longer time period. Soda stream is more of a "I need a bottle right now", a siphon works better for single servings. Bubble-wise, siphons make the water spicier, soda steam not so much.

  6. zooloo73
    zooloo73 says:

    Years ago, I bought a SodaStream Penguin, one of their more expensive machines using glass bottles. Used it for a while and forgot about it. Sometime later, I was about to try it again, it made the fizzing sound, but no bubbles appeared in the water.

    I opened it up and found a broken plastic part. Emailed SodaStream to buy a replacement. They refused to sell it for "safety reasons". The option was to ship the machine from Norway to Sweden. As it was out of warranty, I had to pay to ship both ways and service costs.
    All in all, it would be more expensive than the machine itself. I ended up buying a machine from AGA, and it is still going strong. SodaStream will not get any more of my money.

  7. Zitronen Tee
    Zitronen Tee says:

    lets be honest here . most people went like " oh god damn why do i live in a house without elevator ?! why do i have to carry up so much water? why is water so heavy D: ?! "
    and then there is this one person who owns a sodastream for the last 30 years or so and they look at you while sipping their sparkling water
    "yeah carrying water is SO HEAVY . a SHAME there is no other option …:) . but i may have a suggestion "

    and thats how most people who i know ,got a sodastream.

  8. Hax Max
    Hax Max says:

    Intensely American perspective, being from Sweden I notice that like 90% of your assumptions about my household and consumption is way off. Like dangit why do Americans gotta consume like ravenous locusts?

  9. Kameezy
    Kameezy says:

    "Carbonite"? Damn man, got like nuff things wrong in this video. I come to you for facts but if you this wrong how do I know you bout getting me bullshit all the time? I'll give you another chance

  10. Krydolph
    Krydolph says:

    There is another way to look at Pepsi owning them!
    If they are actually taking market away from sodas, why would pepsi want to lose that money? Now they still get their money. As a consumer, you are buying something else, for one reason or another, but its still Pepsico making the money. And with a little luck, since they are not #1 afaik, maybe its more likely people who used to drink something other than pepsi are now giving them their money instead.

  11. Sarah Kathleen
    Sarah Kathleen says:

    I definitely like the idea that Sodastreams allow you to make it at home. I know so many people who drink plenty a day. it makes more sense financially to just get a SodaStream. I am a big fan of my instant pot. Still use it 3 years later! Just have to consume the things that make most sense in your lifestyle.

  12. MrLlama999
    MrLlama999 says:

    The Pepsi thing isn’t a big deal. Their restaurant side does exactly this. A soda fountain takes tap water, carbonates it, and adds branded syrup. This is actually a core part of Pepsi’s business.

  13. ZulacecekStarcraft
    ZulacecekStarcraft says:

    On the topic of carbonated milk. When I grew up there was this leftover trend from the socialism days(I' Czech) where our school canteen used to mix milk and sparkling mineral water. It was supposed to be super healthy for the kids. It was disgusting and we were forced to finish at least one cup of that stuff during lunch.

  14. m m
    m m says:

    i'd imagine the new ownership would not have wiping out cans/bottles as their main goal anymore, if the market makes their new non-can/bottle product successful then i guess that works out. assuming pepsi isn't doing it just to sabotage the home carbonation image by making a purposely terrible product, the consumers could decide the direction of the larger company. it's just that the larger company will in no way be trying to squash bottles/cans versions. though did soda stream really want to do that or was it just emphasizing one of its main inherent benefits

  15. Henrik Olsson
    Henrik Olsson says:

    when it comes to the Pepsi co. aspect they would be thrilled if everybody just bought the machine and then the concentrate since it would mean they can shut down all the bottling plants saving them money on not only workforce but delivery costs as well. they exist to sell you soda not the cans they come in.

    here in sweden i hardly know a single household that doesn't have a soda stream or a competitor. i just enjoy sparkling water with my meals so at least 1 liter is drank every day at home here that comes out to a massive savings for me.

  16. Kai Wangle
    Kai Wangle says:

    I had no idea you can put non-Soda Stream canisters in one of their machines! I used to revel in my plastic-free carbonated water and use it all the time, but since I found out their factory is built on illegally occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank, I had to give it up and I miss it 🥲 If I can fill my already-purchased device with non-brand canisters I can go back to enjoying my fizzy water without feeling like I value carbonated beverages over human rights. Thanks, YouTube Algorithm.

  17. Daphne
    Daphne says:

    I don’t think that the Soda stream replaces the purchase of sugary fizzy drinks like regular cola or fanta for example (here in europe at least)🤔, but it definately replaces the purchase of non-sugary regular fizzy water that people drink at home at meal time. So it does replace those plastic bottles, but yeah not the coke cans 😝 It just makes your regular tap water fizzy 🤷‍♀️

  18. StandardDifferent
    StandardDifferent says:

    It is a basci buisness case for pepsi to buy SodaStream and let it continue to fight them because then as a company regardless of wever of not soda stream reaches their goals pepsico remains profitable. Nothing wrong with companies prepating for multiple posibilities.

  19. __
    __ says:

    it's really cool how it lets you customize sodas to taste. the boba store i used to work at used sodastream for its carbonated drinks. one of my favourite recipes was 2oz of blueberry/strawberry jam + 2.5 oz of plum vinegar + extra sweetener


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