Why I don’t call dishes by their name

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Check out recipes on the website! https://jeanelleats.com/ #filipinofood #filipinocuisine #brownies #brownie #chocolatecake …

31 replies
  1. Jeanelleats
    Jeanelleats says:

    🍫 Try this chocolatey dish! This dish is called “brownies”, and they’ve been known to help brighten my mood after seeing comments that inspire videos like these

    In all seriousness, thank you for those who understand why I make videos the way I do. Your kind and supportive comments help me get through the lows I experience on social media.

  2. Lina
    Lina says:

    I mean, depending on where you live, the same dish can have a different name as well.
    There's this one pastry we have that has like 3 or more names, but if you were to compare the recipies, they'd be identical.

  3. PyjamaMC
    PyjamaMC says:

    This approach definitely works. Over time I relized I picked up a fair amount of filipino food/ingredient names and it all traces back to your videos.

  4. Dandelion 🌺
    Dandelion 🌺 says:

    This is my first time watching your video and how does it matter how do you make video oh bdw what you add from plate kind of cookies or wafer I couldn't get it oh yeah could you add ingredients list that would of great help ❤

  5. Anothy
    Anothy says:

    I bet you're actually doing to drive engagement. Piss people off about not naming the dish that they leave a message. Mission accomplished. 😂

  6. Megan P
    Megan P says:

    I learned about a lot of Filipino dishes from your videos and I’m not even Filipino. I remember having a conversation with a Filipino about the dishes I learned about! I think this is so awesome! Thank you for being to share parts of your sulfite with us!

  7. Angela
    Angela says:

    I totally understand I’m Mexican and lots of my favorite dishes my mom makes are made up out of need and what we had at the time. But once we find a good combination that the whole family likes she will make it again. So no names just yummy dishes.

  8. RB2K19
    RB2K19 says:

    Also, dishes have different names in different languages and cultures. I see so many videos where people are like no it's called this, not (same name in different language). 2023 and people still can't handle the existence of other languages apparently

  9. Mella
    Mella says:

    I honestly love learning different foods from my moms culture!! The only downside I find to the rise of popularity is people saying they like the food only because they wanna be unique and also just committing food crimes. I witnessed my friend bring and take a perfectly good lumpia and crushing and mix it into chili.

  10. dtcc_
    dtcc_ says:

    Dear Jeane
    Theres so much to teach us. And still so much for me to learn about Filipino culture and our history. I still need to learn illocano and tagalog. One day people will know me as more than just a filipino. lol. In fact, we are a hybrid ethnicity, and I take pride in how diverse we are as Asians.
    Thank you for making videos for us
    Have a great day/night
    ☀️ 🌙
    – D.

  11. Daddy’s Little Moon 💖
    Daddy’s Little Moon 💖 says:

    I actually appreciate this specific thing you do so much because I’m half Filipino and go through almost exactly what your friend does so often because my family doesn’t and never has educated me about our culture weather it be food or otherwise, so, while I know tons of names of stuff, I do not know what they are just by the name itself, which makes navigating or cooking those things near impossible.

    Especially when every family members response to “can you tell me how to make x?” Is ALWAYS “You put some ob dis and some ob dat and cook it” and then when asked “how much” or “how long” they just irritatedly respond “when it feels right!!”

  12. spectre
    spectre says:

    Why do people say "rice balls" instead of onigiri sometimes? It's just to make things understandable for people who don't know that word. It shouldn't be something you should be criticized for.

  13. Charlie Pessoa
    Charlie Pessoa says:

    I think it's great how you do it! A lot of things you cook are pretty unknown to me and to have a "english translation" if I dare to say that, help me remember it better! And then I can look into a vegetarian version if needed with thr accurate name!

    Oh btw. If you're interested in someday looking into Portuguese cuisine, I'd love to watch you do it! It's not the most fine and exquisite cuisine, but it's nice and homey to me. Rrminds me of my grandma that I can't see much since we don't live in the same country ♡

  14. T S
    T S says:

    Personally I don't agree with not naming a dish with its correct name from the start, but I know that you're not coming from an ill intent angle.


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