Why I Cook With Induction

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I believe induction cooking is the future for home appliances if not for its efficiency then for the benefits of eliminating unhealthy …

22 replies
  1. @geokosp7954
    @geokosp7954 says:

    I’m from Europe All my life I eat from electric stove ……Im not a scientist or a promoter..Real fire if you know how to use it adds lots of points on the taste.
    As for the emissions.a not .all the fossil gas pollution comes from cooking stoves ..for the inhome emissions you have a hood .
    Electric stoves don’t last as long as their gas counterpart..as result more of them build and more of them ending up in the trash …both processes very polluting .
    The source for electric energy production requires emissions itself
    just indirectly
    Plant some trees people stop polluting the air and the water with unnecessary stuff use no plastic stop the pointless driving..In summer when driving or at home open the windows in summer instead of the Ac when outside is 68F
    Winter time we don’t need to move around in tank tops ..put somethig warmer on and natural and cruelty free like wool instead of synthetic sweaters or lamb jackets and put the heater on with timer when is really needed.
    When u want hot water ..switch the boiler on noted of having all day
    Avoid harmfully chemicals (including hair dyes) toxic shampoos etc instead make home made cleaning products.
    The web is full of smart energy money and planet saving solutions..
    Use the bus instead a car etc
    Instead of waiting for delivery at home walk yourself down the markets it’s good exercise and also to meet people 😉…
    Instead of staying home cooking food just for being an influencer and holding some thousands people on screen ..find a real job that doesn’t make turn humans into not consuming slobs ..
    Try being part of teams instead of doing your own thing even with cooking
    Let’s be more aware of marketing techniques (fashion trends new -old ideas )considerate and not wasteful more simple
    And respectful to everything and everyone around us.Lets stop buying useless sh!t from greedy businesses or countries who fill the world with trash .Let’s start improving our selves instead of blaming others and leave the gas stoves alone..Let’s use our common sense
    Everything will be fine
    Good luck

    Ps .and reducing antennas Wi-Fi’s and generally radiation..I’m sure it bring only positive results.

  2. @nathanchung3092
    @nathanchung3092 says:

    This is definitely a great alternative to cooking over a natural gas fire. It may be tricky to get the technique down at first but after you do it will become second nature. As an EE I can say that it is not cooking that is consuming the most natural gas, yet it is our production of our electricity.

  3. @selewachm
    @selewachm says:

    Living in the US. Had gas for years then 10 years ago bought an induction range. I'm hooked. Nothing better. Will be buying an induction wok soon as well as an induction rice cooker. Exciting times.


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