Why I always have plain yogurt in my fridge

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Hey! Thanks for watching! I’m a yogurt lover through and through. Spending time in Bulgaria has only solidified my enthusiasm for …

13 replies
  1. Glenda Hingley
    Glenda Hingley says:

    Try putting enough sugar into plain yogurt to make it taste like the pink stuff. It's shocking! Plus it covers up that nice tang. OTOH, a little swirl of maple syrup is fantastic.

  2. superglo1000
    superglo1000 says:

    I love plain yogurt but not greek as it is too sweet I use plain for salad dressings and dips and always as an after with strawberries bananas or any fresh fruit, very good for if you are on a diet I lost nearly 2stone 28lbs

  3. stevedownthestreet
    stevedownthestreet says:

    I do enjoy plain yogurt, I’m a smoothie person and I add it to my super foods. 😀 I will explore the local international market to see if I can find some Bulgarian yogurt. Thanks for the interesting video!

  4. Nina D
    Nina D says:

    It is so hard to find plain yogurt (here in the US) that isn't "Greek-style". I much prefer just plain-old plain!

    My (70-year old) husband recently started eating plain yogurt with fresh blueberries. I think he thinks he invented it. 😂

  5. Apistosig
    Apistosig says:

    Hey Paula – I'm with you, I too like a little substance to my yoghurt. My favourite way to consume is with a fresh made fruit salad, its always in my cakes & muffins and it can do wonders to a milkshake as you've suggested


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