Why Are We Here? | Van Life Texas

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This week we answer the question of why we are here. We have traveled from Alaska to Texas overlanding and boondocking along the way in our tiny home on …

37 replies
  1. DavePNW
    DavePNW says:

    I’m in for Summer 2022 in Alaska, i’ll be in my Travato! I’m from Texas myself, spent 5 years in San Antonio! Check out the Hill Country (Boerne, Fredicksburg and Luckenbach)!

  2. Steve Hori
    Steve Hori says:

    You guys have the best attitude. A great example of how to live your life and see and experience whatever comes next. Look forward to sharing your adventure.

  3. sherri weber
    sherri weber says:

    Hi Jim and Cynthia abs Ember! I always knew you’d go back to back to Alaska but not right now because you need to explore and be on a journey. I don’t like to ask you where to next because I like to be surprised and watch the next video. Like now I can’t wait to see what the next journey is. Looking forward to it. This journey was great. Was glad the batteries worked great with the air for Ember. Great idea with the dog training. Hope it goes well. And oh your food looked great and the country fried steak I love thoughts did look huge. I’m looking forewarn to taking the journey with you no matter where you go. You both look really good and well. I mean that in a good way. Nice and healthy. Hope you both had a great 4th of July weekend. 🇺🇸😊 Looking forward too seeing your next video. Have a great week and see you soon! Stay safe and healthy.

  4. Brian Green
    Brian Green says:

    I love the opening sequence of the Revel getting its feet wet! I haven’t seen it in the water since you went camping on the confluence. Such a great sight. I loved the recap of your travels south, and your not so subtle jab at Texas being the “second largest State”! 😂. San Antonio is a city I have technically been to, but not really. I went to Boot Camp there. I didn’t get to go downtown. The fades in the video of you walking along the river walk were cool. You two are really upping your game with edits! Interesting to see you having to deal with it sprinkling there in the morning. Like you said, it’ll keep you cool. The ducks are just as bad here in the Seattle area. They hang around because they know we think they’re cute and will feed them. The riverwalk is such an interesting place considering that they were tempted to run the thing through a pipe underground with none of it exposed. Luckily, they saw the marketing potential of the river flowing through downtown. The Alamo is a place I’ve always wanted to go to. It so great that you got to see and experience that incredible place! You two explore like I do. I just kind of wander around and see what catches my eye. That tree you showed was fantastic! Imagine all the kids over the years who got to climb on it! The statues of those incredible men were awesome! It’s great that you took the time to share them with us. Jim said that the batteries were at 61% with 4 hours of use with the AC. The question I have is, how long does it take to charge back to full with your dual-alternator setup? I’d guess not too long. That amphitheater looked really cool with the stage on the opposite side of the water. What an awesome idea. The Margaritas looked awesome as well. Get a little buzz going on with them? 😉. Those lock fences are cool, but they have to come through every so often and cut off all the locks so that new ones can be put up. Most are declarations of love. The twisted side of me wonders how many of those locks lasted longer than the relationships? One thing that seems to most certainly be true is that those Texas folks sure do know good food! I had heard that the whole BLM land thing wasn’t available in Texas, which I suppose makes sense considering that it was all cattle country. It does make seeing all of the State problematic for those people looking to do so outside of a KOA-type place.

    I wish I could go up to Alaska to see you two, but it seems like life is taking me in a new direction as well. I’ll be moving from the Seattle area to the great state of Arkansas. Well, I think it’ll be Arkansas. It’ll be down that way. You know, in that general area. It’s time to leave the Pacific Northwest and do something completely different. I have to do something new, just like you two did! My apartment is already half boxed up. Oh the joys of moving! I loved the Ember part at the end of this video. When I saw her the first thing I thought was, “I’d rather be at a lake!” Hope you two are having an awesome time down in Texas!


    Gracias por estar ahí y mostrarnos una vida diferente de la mayoría de personas. Acábo de adoptar un perro y le he puesto de nombre Jym como su marido. Aquí en España es un nombre original. Le he puesto el nombre en honor de ustedes.

  6. RVN AroundUS
    RVN AroundUS says:

    We are HAPPY to see you down here In warmer weather. Even MORE happy to know you’ll be in Alaska. Keep us all posted. Congratulations Jim, and thank you for not selling yourselves to the RV industry.

  7. Brenda Grundeen
    Brenda Grundeen says:

    I have to wait and see how the next year goes for me, health wise. If I was younger, I'd be right on it and making Alaska van meet up my next adventure, for sure. I have this gosh awful long haul Covid, and still am seeking a diagnosis and treatment that allows me to be as active as I used to be without having to take an entire day to recover. I have a Jacuzzi, and my central air is working really well to keep heat exhaustion at bay, and I am just working on continuing to improve my health. Crazy, crazy, I have always been really thin, but Covid did something to me, and I literally gained a bunch of weight. I've managed to take most of it off again, but I don't think my body likes this, lol. I'm being sent to an arthritis specialist, and they are checking for inflammatory markers. But I went for an hour long mountain bike ride in the woods and the heat today, yesterday I spent in the lake swimming with my kids for the 4th, and the day before we took a mini trip an hour south to a beautiful part of Minnesota called the Cannon River Valley, and went to a fair with friends. The night before, downtown was packed with thousands of people, with the return of the first Antique Car Show since the pandemic shut everything down. My favorite was this cute VW camper hippie van, which my daughter fell in love with, and I told her we are doing something similar, and she wanted it pink. Haha. I will put the pics on my Instagram, it was so cute. ☮️ 🌺 💜 Long story short, I am very interested in driving up to Alaska for a meet up, and will work toward that as my goal. If I can keep making progress with my health, I will be there 😃

  8. Dee Jahant
    Dee Jahant says:

    Squeeeeee!! I had no idea Jim trained dogs. How exciting an opportunity and then move along to a new adventure. Awesome. Ember looking so cute. Extreme heat and extreme cold are so different. LOL. I'm feeling ya. Whew. It is HOT.

  9. Helene Hogan
    Helene Hogan says:

    Hi, I love watching your channel and your precious dog Amber! I also watch Number Juan Bus they have a camera set up and I thought of you, I hope this helps. ✌️❤️

  10. Alan Royce
    Alan Royce says:

    New Braunfelds on the 35 is a nice place to visit. Fredericksburg is also a great little town with lot’s of history and great food. Looking forward to seeing your next video and seeing you guys when you travel back to Reno.

  11. s.o.s. diy repair
    s.o.s. diy repair says:

    Texas is a great state… might be too hot for an Alaskan…lol… Don't remember much about the Alamo when I visited…but really enjoyed having dinner on the riverwalk..it was very romantic….great sunset in video 🥰

  12. Navin Garg
    Navin Garg says:

    I enjoyed this video . San Antonio seems to be a nice cool place with lot of history.
    River walk was fun. Ducks seemed to be enjoying the river with least concern for tourists. Horse carrige ride seemed interesting . Have fun .

  13. Michael Conchscooter
    Michael Conchscooter says:

    I am not very good at crowds either so a meet up might be a lot. I’d like to thank you in person for opening my eyes to Alaska. I’m leaving work and the Keys April 3rd and plan roughly to be in Alaska for the Solstice. By the way we designed our Promaster with 600amps and we can with care run ac all night even in the Everglades in summer. We have got used to leaving Rusty in the van and he is fine while we do a museum tour or something. A long exhausting walk first prepares him for a nap. Good luck with your meanderings.

  14. Lee Heather
    Lee Heather says:

    It I could have my working time again it would be with dogs.such special animals they seem to be able to read your soul.all the best with that and another great episode best wishes from South uk.

  15. Diane Besand
    Diane Besand says:

    Well, just like Ember I am speechless, but my little light is dancing above my head in anticipation. Wonderful choice Texas where freedom reigns. Have been to Texas many times because I have family there. When I saw the River Walk footage, my mind played a short video in my head of Ember jumping in and swimming after the ducks, trying to retrieve them for you. She will be fine no matter where the Revel travels, because shew is with the two people she loves and who lo love her. Change and adventure are always good for the soul. Can't wait to see where life takes you and am as usual looking forward to the next video. Happy Trails to my favourite 3-some.


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