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shorts Sign up for the big Jerky Giveaway here – 5 oxtails 4 tbsp tomato paste 2 …

50 replies
  1. G M Rob
    G M Rob says:

    Oxtail and Beef Short Ribs are the BEST!! They have gotten expensive since the pandemic was in full swing so I don't get to eat either of them very often. When I was a kid (a loooong time ago) both of those cuts of meat were very cheap. They practically gave them away!

  2. Spying Beast
    Spying Beast says:

    My grandparents immigrated from Belarus in the 30's and bought a farm in very southern California in the 50's where I was raised in the 70's. They were very frugal and hardworking and hardened people that raised almost everything that was eaten by my entire family which included every part of a cow imaginable, along with Oxtail. My Mom and Grandmother made everything from scratch, and their version of this recipe is called Borscht and it is AMAZING…

  3. David
    David says:

    I made Ox tails for the first time last year and it's still easily top 3 things I've eaten in my life and number 1 I'm things I've made💀🤤


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