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Today, we’re pinning the Mythical Kitcheeners against each other to see WHO CAN MAKE THE BEST LATKES!! Subscribe to …

49 replies
  1. Grabble
    Grabble says:

    Kewpie is the only pre-made mayo worth using. This is a fact. It's creamier 'cause it only uses egg yolks instead of whole eggs, it looks more appetizing from the yellow in the yolks (VS. standard mayo being a pale-flesh gross thing), it's made with tastier vinegars and there's MSG in it.

  2. Nimbus
    Nimbus says:

    Trevor has reminded me of an important thing; you're allowed to still like a restaurant chain even when someone involved with that company was Not Great. I can still buy a Subway sweet onion teriyaki from the teenager at the one around the corner, bud, Jared doesn't benefit. Cathy's family don't notice if you boycott your neighborhood college student working at Chick Fil A. Eat where you like, everyone, it's okay.

  3. Eric Dase
    Eric Dase says:

    So I'm a huge fan of everything mythical and I've been watching the kitchen since day one. This is the first time I have genuinely been annoyed by the crap that has come out of Trevor's mouth. It actually made that entire beginning section of the video unenjoyable.


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