Where does all the food fit?? | Undecorate | New furniture comes! | Charcuterie board for couples

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27 replies
  1. Lisa Chatham
    Lisa Chatham says:

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY AND THANKSGIVING!!! I was happy to see Evan, he is so elusive. He started a channel and as far as I know he has only made 1 video. I subscribed so I should see them and haven't. Tell everyone hello from Colorado and enjoy your weekend and Thanksgiving.

  2. Lisa Chatham
    Lisa Chatham says:

    Amy, save those leaves and put them over your berry bushes for the winter. The leaves act as a mulch and protect them from the weather and the leaves break down and feed the plants. They are good for them, people here in Colorado wonder why their grass always dies it's because they take and get rid of the leaves so the grass and plants are unprotected from the cold and ice and have nothing to feed on through the winter. my husband does lawn care and I learned a lot from him on the topic.

  3. Julia S
    Julia S says:

    I like the downstairs much better now. The piano not being centered under the wall decorations was driving me nuts. lol j/k but it was very distracting. Looks good with tree in the corner.

  4. Tammy Allen
    Tammy Allen says:

    Hi Amy . God Bless You. I am glad that you have that problem " where to fit all the food. " I never had that problem. I have always had plenty of ample spaces for food. I am a Caregiver who never had made much money. Just enough to make it. But, not make it. So, I don't get to buy much food or things. Even when I raised my 3 kids now who are all Adults we did not have full cupboards or a Refrigerator. We ate lots of beans & rice, fruits & vegetables.. And I still do. I love them anyways. Different kinds of rice & classes of beans. And they have lots of iron & vitamins beans. But, I am happy anyways with what I eat.

  5. Leanne - The Frugal Momma
    Leanne - The Frugal Momma says:

    Lovely to see Evan back in the family fold, its so amazing when I think back when the kids were very small and now they are what I would call 'self sufficient' ie: they can wash and dress themselves and need a lot less of your time! Amy you would be a billionaire if you could bottle the energy you have, you make it all look so easy! Lx

  6. Annie Crawford
    Annie Crawford says:

    Love the music. I was wondering why you chose not to ,wrap,or us any paper to provide cushion for the fragile. In my house even labeled fragile would get bumped around. It amazes me. Do you have a special place they can remain undisturbed until the next season? Thanks for your help. Sending you Thanksgiving happiness. 💐

  7. Angela Stipes
    Angela Stipes says:

    Yeah all toilet paper is really kind of bad for septic tanksI try to always throw my paper in the trash my toilet paper and stuff like that because it's just can prevent clogs in your toilet even if you have a city sewer it can still sometimes you know clogged up things it says better to throw it in the trash .

  8. Angela Stipes
    Angela Stipes says:

    yeah most of the time I cook all my meat from Frozen State why I thought out doesn't make any sense it might take a tad bit longer depends on what you're cooking it in I have a cooker pot thing it's swirling a Crock-Pot but as a cooker and it just you just put your mean they're put your seasonings or vegetables or whatever and it Cooks it for you I mean you can just slow cook it if you want it has a defrost setting on there but honestly it doesn't take that long in there and it's saves energy and all that you can cook a big turkey in there or ham or a roast or whatever I mean it's big enough that I could probably feed probably six people maybe it depends on what you put in there but I like it so far so good . I usually cook my turkeys Frozen and as there ain't no going out in my cooker I take the little bag out and you know do stuff with that or whatever and then I don't usually take the plastic stuff off to feed at is always cook it on there it usually doesn't matter.

  9. eliana carrillo
    eliana carrillo says:

    I hope you had a great anniversary weekend! It was nice to see Evan in today’s vlog. I’m surprised you have not mentioned anything about baby Samuel and Lauren. I want to see him so much.

  10. Kathy Cunningham
    Kathy Cunningham says:

    Hi Amy,
    The furniture looks absolutely beautiful and fits so well p. You n the family enjoy and relax. It’ll be fun watching movies.
    Zillions of leaves, oh boy…lol. Pretty but lots of work.
    Your charcuterie boards look so tempting n delicious l
    Thanks for sharing and thank you for posting Gods words for us.
    Have a fantastic and blessed day l


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