When You CAN'T Becomes You SHOULDN'T

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When You CAN’T Becomes You SHOULDN’T Thumbs up please 🙂 Our NEW website…www.bigfamilyhomestead.com The …

21 replies
  1. Love Momma
    Love Momma says:

    We are going to use leftover metal roof pieces to make water troughs!? Then place them under a downspout!??
    Loved the challenge 😇


    Our can’t becomes shouldn’t is that we live in the city and can’t burn garbage. But we have 2 36 inch barrels that go into our campfire pit and will only show 18 inches above ground. We WILL burn garbage if city stops picking it up.

  3. Jewelbug
    Jewelbug says:

    I live in Michigan and was diagnosed with Lyme disease in January – a tick-borne infection that includes one of several bacteria that can be transmitted by a tick with a single bite. Some refer to it as Lyme & Co (co-infections). Many of us are on antibiotics for months or years at a time with no relief or resolution. I've learned that many of us spend tens of thousands of dollars over the years for allopathic medicine that gets us nowhere. Some become bed bound. Some become desperate. Some give up. Others turn 'can'ts' to 'shouldn'ts.' Read two 'shouldn't' examples, below…

    First let me say that I didn't display the typical signs of a tick bite (bullseye rash appears less than 50% of the time), including fever, headache, muscle aches, etc. I went to my doctor within 2 weeks of a 'spider bite' with mysterious neurological symptoms that started last August, including muscle twitching and Bell's Palsy symptoms. Still, we missed the window where I should have received antibiotics to successfully treat it. Instead, my doc ordered blood work and put me on a steroid (the worst thing to do if you have a bacterial infection). Now the disease has disseminated throughout my body, making it difficult to eliminate. I've just started seeing a Lyme Literate Medical Doctor (LLMD) that now says I have to be on months or years of antibiotics. We're starting with blood work for now. As a nurse, I know what long-term antibiotics can do, and with Lyme + co-infections, one antibiotic alone does not work for all of them. I'm still learning about this multi-complex disease and looking at all options. On my quest, I found two brave people online that turned their 'can'ts' into 'shouldn'ts,' below:

    One might say, "My LLMD/Infectious Disease doctor advised me not to use a rife machine (a.k.a. energy medicine) to treat myself for this condition." I've read articles of Lyme sufferers that have gone many years under the care of allopathic medicine only to step outside and turn to unconventional options, such as one particular emergency room doctor that finally chose to use a rife machine and got significantly better. Imagine that, an allopathic doctor turning to something other than allopathic medicine! Look up "final manuscript jon sterngold pdf" to learn more. To be fair, doctors won't recommend rife machines because they may be at risk of losing their licenses. So even if they believe in it, and even if it works, they 'can't' offer it as an option to help their patients.

    Another person who chose the 'shouldn't' option for his Lyme & Co is Danny L from DirtRoadDiscussion (a channel not on YT). He came back from the brink of death with Lyme ONLY AFTER turning to a treatment created by two doctors who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine – a treatment that cures millions of people of other diseases every year. But doctor's typically don't prescribe it for Lyme & Co because there hasn't been official clinical trials with it for Lyme. Danny is a 'rough around the edges' sort of guy with a big heart and works to get the word out on his 'shouldn't' option for others that have tried everything else and are ready to take that 'shouldn't' step. Question: Are people that opt for 'shouldn't' a) desperate, b) intuitive, c) fed up or d) all of these? Danny's site and 'twice a week' podcasts are always free. I don't personally endorse his 'shouldn't' option, nor have I tried it – just providing it as an example here. But admittedly there's a rife coil machine sitting less than 6 feet away on my desk (can't recommend or endorse that, either – LOL). Maybe I 'shouldn't' have performed that first session last night . . . but I'm glad I did. 😉

  4. Amy Wade
    Amy Wade says:

    My Mama always has said "Can't never did anything"! We were not allowed to say "can't". Therefore we all four "CAN". This is how we were raised. Where there is a Will there is a Way! ~Arkansas Raising

    Our young generation is being taught to not think for themselves. Their problem solving skill are naught. Isn't that the direction the world want them to be. Dependent upon someone else to think for them?

  5. Jason Griffin
    Jason Griffin says:

    Pharisees: You cant eat the wheat from that field that your disciple's picked on the Sabbath! Jesus: Mark 2:23-28 who then told of David eating the bread from the tabernacle. It was not lawful. Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, man was not made for the Sabbath. What does that mean? It means if there is a genuine need not born of greed, gluttony, envy, etc but of circumstance it is ok to do. For example, it is illegal to steal food. If your 9 yr old child got lost for several days and came upon some food in their path and ate it not knowing where its owner was and then kept walking tyring to find their parents and a couple of days later was found by police and the police arrested the child because she/he broke the law by stealing the food and eating it, and brought the child before a judge, what judge would convict the child of a crime and send them to a Juvenile justice facility? The judge would say, yes you have broken the law and are therefore guilty of theft, but the community I must represent, would forgive you, because you did not do it out of malice but of genuine need to survive. That judge would either give a good behaviour bond or simply dismiss the case. How would you feel if your child chose to die instead of live so they did not break the law in this specific case?

  6. mark laurenz
    mark laurenz says:

    15 minutes before closing, a lady comes into my oil change business(which I was the manager) to get an oil change. As I pull the drain plug, the threads came out of the Aluminium pan. By myself, no way to get what i need to fix this problem, I started to scrounge around, found 2 grade 8 bolts from a previous project the owners had finished(bolts were leftovers). I used one to tap the pan, and other to use as the drain plug. Plug sealed up perfect. This lady lived on the other side of the state and was heading home. I gave her my number, said if she ran into any problems to give me a call and I would make sure she got home safely. She said okay, and she would take it to her mechanic on Monday(this was Saturday night). So, Monday afternoon I received a phone call from the mechanic, called to tell me that was the most ingenious solution he'd ever seen(she explained all that happened to her to him). He told her to leave everything as it was, he wouldn't change a thing if it was his car. She had already had the oil pan retapped twice, next step was to replace the oil pan.

    GOD works in mysterious ways, saved her money. and got me out of a bind. In retrospect, where "Can't becomes you shouldn't" unless GOD leads you to do something.

  7. Sue Grace-Grace
    Sue Grace-Grace says:

    Well i could, but i really think
    I can't, and sure enough after watching this, i know i shouldn't!!

    Ha ha ha!! Love you and your wife!!
    GOD bless and protect you and all family!!

  8. Four Day Homestead
    Four Day Homestead says:

    I've heard can't& shouldn't over the years. It was just motivation to: build a cordwood cabin alone, did some winter camping 🏕 in Upper Michigan so I could experience northern winter night sky & now renovating a homestead (I'll do it this year, bad back & all).

  9. poolsidedreamer
    poolsidedreamer says:

    FEAR has become a major factor in our lives, so much so that people are afraid to reach out a helping hand because it seems like their prior offers to help have been rejected with anger, or ridicule. Then there is the FEAR of being taken advantage of. When people donate ( time, energy or money) to whatever seemed to be a worthy cause, only later to discover most of the money is being diverted into someone's pocket


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