When I make pasta like this, everyone asks me for the recipe!

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INGREDIENTS: 3 tomatoes 1 onion 1 tablespoon sugar 1 garlic clove Salt Accept olives 2 liters of water Acceptance 200 grams of …

42 replies
  1. anthiondel
    anthiondel says:

    No, no, no… Garlic and onion don't go together in italian cuisine. Don't add oil to the pasta water, the sauce will never stick to it. You are missing wine… Think I'll stop now… Agh

  2. MsBigdog#1
    MsBigdog#1 says:

    Well…guess what?! Now you can no longer say EVERYONE asks you for the recipe!! Because I am not gonna ask, sorry, doesn't really spike my taste buds. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Jonnie Martin
    Jonnie Martin says:

    What happen 2 the bell pepper. And I like mushrooms with mine,I get the garlic bread from dollar tree add garlic with butter toast it for a minute, now u got a real meal.


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