Wheat Waffles Debunked: 100 Blackpill Beliefs

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First installment of the Wheat Waffles Debunked Series. White pill v. Black pill. ➡️ If you’re interested in learning more about …

25 replies
  1. sleepy_log23
    sleepy_log23 says:

    Good video you made a lot of good points although I’m one of the few black men that Definitely cannot pull of the Bald look now I have pretty good hair genetics And I’m young but honestly if I go bald I’m getting that surgery😂😂

  2. Dylan Bennett
    Dylan Bennett says:

    Coach white pill I completed 30 days of no fap yesterday. No fap is the core of white pill because white pill is about a man being able to overcome being short in dating through shear will power but jerking off weakens a man’s will power in dating because it eliminates the drive and desire to even try. No fap isn’t cope it’s the only hope. I doubt there could be an incel who completed over a year of no fap. If you jerk off. Stop now while you still have hope. Thank you 🙏 coach 🥋

  3. Otto Pesonen
    Otto Pesonen says:

    My main concern with black pill is that it just seems as guys who want to date/have sex with women out of their league with little to none effort.
    The black pill guys complain that women only care about looks and want to date up. But are these guys any different? If a black pilled guy thinks that he is like a 5 why should he get a girl who is like a 8-10. Doesnt that make them want to date up?
    +all this shit is so obviously debunkable all you need to do is step out of your house and youl always see guys with girls that are more atractive than them. 4/5 of my best friends have girlfriends and let me tell you if these guys are chads then basically anyone can be a chad. I dont know what has caused this mindset but my theory is that probably the main cause is porn + all this digital age shit. I dont have any proof of this theory tho, its just a guess xd.
    P.S. I really think that this Black pill is some sort of a reddit inside joke and if it is I guess well played 😀

  4. Otto Pesonen
    Otto Pesonen says:

    I just discovered all this black pill stuff yesterday and was like this doesnt make any sense I should create White pill and debunk all this crap and was suprised that someone already has done it XD
    Great job👍

  5. Shawn
    Shawn says:

    I'm not sure you countered the point on looks being the most important factor. You did say looks matter more online than offline, but that doesn't demonstrate that looks matter less than any other factor. I think you were making another point actually which would be that 'men think looks matter more than they do for an average woman's looks threshold' ie Men may think that they have to be an 8+, but really they just have to be a 6+.

    The actual point on looks is that you MUST exceed the threshold. That's what makes them the most important factor. All other factors are evaluated secondarily to looks. While those factors matter, those factors (other than wealth and power which can get you transactional sex), personality factors cannot consistently get you laid by beautiful women on their own, while looks can consistently get you laid alone, and more importantly, a looks threshold exists below which any other factors become irrelevant. Looks are like a key to a door. You need the key to get in, but that doesn't mean that you don't also still need to do other stuff after getting inside. Women want looks + other stuff for relationships. Looks alone for hookups is fine, but not preferable. Personality factors without looks means you don't get in the door at all because you don't have the key.

    In this video, you have demonstrated this point several times yourself by suggesting looks maxing, calling out the looks threshold, and throughout all of the advice given on each point which are mostly just looks improvement. On the point of acne and bad teeth for example, your own advice is to fix them. Why wasn't it just get better game? If game is more important than looks, then facial scaring from acne should have very little impact if the guy has this special game sauce, right?

    Based on early comments the video addressing what 'average women care about', 'men who can get at least average woman', and 'women might hookup with better looking men, but people tend to date people of equal value'. It seems like you are addressing average men getting success with average women.

    Giving game some benefit of the doubt to game here, if women will hookup with good looking men, but want more for relationships (call these additional factors 'game'), then it follows that:

    Good looks alone = hookups with attractive women, but rare to have long-term relationships with them
    Good looks plus 'game' = hookups and relationships with attractive women

    Average looks plus 'game' = relationships with average women, but rare, or never, hookups since the women have the option of hookups with better men
    Average looks alone = neither with average or better women, since they have no game to get a relationship, and don't meet the hotness threshold for hookups

    Below average looks with game = neither again since they don't meet the average women's looks threshold
    Below average looks alone = neither again

    Even if we assume game exists, good looks is a benefit to any man of any skill in game. Game however is not a benefit without looks. Looks therefore is the most important factor for success with women at all hotness levels. Meanwhile, when does game suddenly invert the scale? Can a 1/10 man use game to consistently bang 10/10 women, 9's, 8;s, 7's….. etc? If not, then looks trump game since being a 10/10 man will lead to consistent success with women at all levels (unless the man is autistic or something, but an autistic 1/10 is also way worse off than the 10).

  6. Joe Vlogs
    Joe Vlogs says:

    Hey man. I discovered Wheat Waffles two days ago and he has made me lose all motivation and become nihilistic. This video is really helping me get through this. Please, please keep making videos which offer a strong critique of his arguments as he portrays his arguments as pure fact

  7. FRESH Life Hacks
    FRESH Life Hacks says:

    “ Why do women wear makeup 💄 n dress hot ? If wheat 🌾 say they care about mens looks more ?”

    To get Hot 🤗Chad . Not 🧑🏻‍🦲 normie or sub 5 🙂 It’s like Housing market , most ppl like Prime Location , u have to pay 2-8 X price for small place . Rite now 🙂 1 Bdr condo 545 square feet n it’s $620000 . There huge houses 🏡 in remote place … . Women put effort to impress someone who match their looks or OUT of their league . Not to down grade 🙂

  8. FRESH Life Hacks
    FRESH Life Hacks says:

    🫣Is this click n Bait video 💭- u look like 👍🏻 against Wheat 🌾 Waffles 🧇 but u need his 83k subscribers to check u out for YouTube Views ! The passive agreesive or conflict interest ? Each comment over wheat’s video is so generic !

    It’s like 👍🏻 telling women “u do u ! Real woman 👩🏻 r whatever size u r ! U r gorgeous d way u r ! Being confident is Easy just forget what ppl think 🤔 “ of course u will make ppl listen cuz ur telling ppl what they want to Hear . Not what they need to hear !

  9. kyle belle
    kyle belle says:

    @ 19:54 perfect example of wheat waffles rating being wildly inaccurate. I still dont know how he was allowed to become an authoritative figure on looks. Anyone can look at someone else and give a ballpark rating. Everyone including wheat waffles will have a bias towards certain looks which is why you should get opinions from more than one person. Also ask girls instead.

    some girls might try to be nice and lie but also you yourself should also have some idea of where you are on the looks scale, so no one should be able to just trick you that you are a 9 when in reality you are a 4, just dont be delusional.

  10. Dylan Bennett
    Dylan Bennett says:

    I’m disappointed in you coach white pill for letting locario on your stream. He is the number 1 spreader of cope and grift on the internet. I can’t believe people believe locario when he says you can be 5’1 and obese and broke and bound to a wheel char then take a blow torch to the face and still get hot women everyday if you have so called “game” which is according to him going to compensate for anything and everything. 🤢🤮🤒

  11. Matt Babb
    Matt Babb says:

    Great video! I’ve been tempted to make one like this myself. Blackpill beliefs are, for the most part, plausible hypotheses that might be true on large statistical scales, but with lots of exceptions. Blackpillers have a LOT of work to do before the majority of the claims are substantiated.

  12. Paul Sharma
    Paul Sharma says:

    Bro you don't have other work rather than debating and reacting to videos.Make you own content.God this guy always chasing blackpill WW.Make WW your girlfriend if you're so obsess with.His channel wouldn't have blown and reach almost 100k sub if there is no value truth in his videos while you are still at 1k.People are not stupid, they have good judement instict.Blackpill is truth and redpill is truth.Period.You need both looks and game to succeed with women.You might get some result with either one of those, but to reach higher level player mode you need both.Make your own content man ,own content.

  13. alex.datepsych
    alex.datepsych says:

    I remember when WW made this vid. He got a lot wrong with it.

    1. Research on how important physical attractiveness is for men and women has mostly shown it is more important for men, while some studies have shown that it's equally important for men and women. Not much out there that would indicate physical attractiveness is more important for women.

    2. Online dating stats, as far as relationships and marriages from online dating, have remained stable since 2017. A Pew survey of online daters in 2020 also found that about 40% of Americans indicated they got a relationship from an online dating app.

    3. Related to point number one, and wheat waffles point number 20, women actually do value non-physical traits much more than men do. Non-physical traits that signal dominance, like confidence, have consistently been shown in the psychological literature to predict male attractiveness.

    4. Research on bullying is actually very mixed. What we see is that high status youth, as well as low status use, are more likely to be represented in bullying. This is because bullying is a way to signal status and to move up in the juvenile social hierarchy. Boys who are of medium status, as well as medium physical attractiveness, are the ones less likely to be bullied. For girls, it is actually the more attractive girls down to a medium high level of attractiveness who are more likely to both be bullies and to be bullied.

    5. The "women only care about status late in life" thing is almost certainly wrong. A great deal of research on the attractiveness of status is in young populations, for example convenience samples of college students.

    6. "Grooming doesn't matter" is some kind of cope. Not research-based, but from my own personal experience, my own photos on Photofeeler were voted as by women between the top 50% and the top 1% depending on the photo. There is a massive difference in how attractive you can appear to women, especially in a photo, based on how your hairstyle, what you're wearing, and other transient features.

    7. Point number 49 about going to the gym: I recently reviewed a meta-analysis published this year on bodily attractiveness. Of all bodily variables, only signals of strength and musculature predicted female perceptions of male attractiveness. The effect sizes were fairly large for this type of research as well. People are probably vastly underestimating how important getting jacked is for attractiveness.

    What he did get kind of get right:

    WW's point #33 is pretty close. Research on initial attraction pretty consistently shows that physical, specifically facial, attraction is the variable that accounts for the most variance of attractiveness. However, this is for initial attraction and once that hurdle is passed all of the other non-physical features come into play. Basically, some degree of physical attractiveness is a minimum bar or test.

    That said, you are absolutely correct when you say that this looks threshold is not as high as blackpillers seem to think it is.


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