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32 replies
  1. @bevn362
    @bevn362 says:

    Be aware in your travels of the solar eclipse …

    Many of these have already announced school closures
    However, amid all the excitement, there are fears that the eclipse could prove dangerous as the day suddenly plummets into darkness.
    Experts have said that drivers may be distracted on the roads, which in some areas will see a build-up in traffic as those from out of town flock to watch the eclipse. Authorities are also concerned that huge crowds could put a strain on local resources and first responders.
    The states due to be affected by the eclipse are Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.

  2. @suehull6688
    @suehull6688 says:

    Lulu, i love you and your videos. I hesitate to say what is working for me, because it is so different from you guys. But here goes. I eat less than 10 carbs a day. Meat, fish, eggs, poultry, a little cheese. I've been doing this for 1.5 years. I lose weight very slowly, with frequent plateaus. BUT, I have severe osteoarthritis, as evidenced by 2 artificial hips and 1 fake knee. I took tramadol and ibuprofen every day for chronic pain, and i was pre-diabetic. I was always bloated and had gas. Brain fog too. Now, I might take an ibuprofen once a month, if I've been more active than usual (Chasing the grands!). No pain! My A1c is normal. No brain fog. No bloat. It is glorious! And, I'm not hungry. So, i think a key thing is no sugar, no seed oils, no processed foods. My body is happy with what I'm doing. I have been vegan, but that's what got me on the road to diabetes and chronic pain. This is what works for me. You will all find what works for you! Lulu, you have a great understanding of all the contortions we go through in unsuccessful attempts to lose weight. Thank you for all you do. ❤

  3. @Mikakaelle8
    @Mikakaelle8 says:

    Great meeting Loulou & Barbara! I wish I could attend but "work" calls..
    Great advices Loulou!
    -It's all about taking care of ourselves.
    -Realizing what works for us.
    -BEING HONEST with ourselves!
    -GIVING EXCUSES! (i myself am guilty of that 😉)
    It takes time and patience to change our "old" eating habits. I take it one day at a time.
    Even tho I am vegetarian, your meetings and even your food plan helps me (I just tweak it a little).
    Someone spoke about coffee. Apparently, cafeine can make you hungry. It does to me.
    For the person who spoke about gaining a few pounds, maybe it can be from as Loulou mentionned,water retention or maybe from hormones, stress, a bad day, etc. My advice, don't be so hard on yourself.. 😊
    Wishing everyone the best healthy life! 🤗
    Thanks again for posting the meetings! ❤

  4. @larkhughes9740
    @larkhughes9740 says:

    My food plan is definitely working for me. Lots of variety of vegetables, fruits and minimal meats and poultry, lots of fish. Intermittent fasting to give my system a rest and reset. One big meal a day and a small one. I dont do breakfast. I rarely snack except for nuts, seeds and a fruit now and then. Essential supplements, teas, smoothies of veggies and manuka honey or maple syrup and loads of water. I try to follow how humans would eat eons ago. I am very mindful of what I put on and in my body knowing that what I put on my body goes into my blood stream. I try to be self aware on what my body, my mind and my spirit is needing in order to nourish them. I love to laugh, dance, do Qi gong. I drop the ball every so often but hey, I just dust myself off and march on. I am 68 years old and hospice nurse for 34 years😊. I believe that life is about balance. There is a rhythm and a pattern in this universe. I think it would be cool if you incorporate simple taichi, chair yoga or Qi Gong in your meet-ups. You Tube is full of easy lessons. I think it'll be fun for all! You ladies roll and roll!❤

  5. @kerrischuh8000
    @kerrischuh8000 says:

    I have type 2 diabetes. I struggle to keep my blood sugar under control. I’m not overweight so I don’t need to lose weight. I get moderate exercise. My biggest problem is food. There is so little food on my diet that I like. I don’t like most cooked vegetables. I eat a lot of salads, but I get tired of eating them all the time. I get hungry and I have a hard time finding anything I can and want to eat.

  6. @tobymeade3222
    @tobymeade3222 says:

    ❤ Good Evening Lulu 🌆🌇🤩 Always Good Food is Great! You feeling stressed when starting Good Food plan! Because your body is craving the BD foods ,but Once you get thur a week your body starts to choose the Good Foods 👍✌️👌🤞🙌🙏✝️💜🌻🍀 Your body starts to know the right Foods& turns down the junk!🤩🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌟💯🌞

  7. @nmbutterfly52
    @nmbutterfly52 says:

    I am 71 years old and have just watched this podcast zoom meeting. It is so encouraging I have a 100 pounds to lose and have felt unable to accomplish this all of my life. I now feel encouraged and will be starting my journey first thing in the morning. Thank you so much!!!! I will also try to catch you next Thursday 😊❤❤❤

  8. @2000madi2000
    @2000madi2000 says:

    Muscle weighs 3X as much as fat.
    Scales can make you look bad, especially when weightlifting, measuring your body limb by limb might give you more optimistic results. Waistline, hips thighs, I'd say these are more accurate and uplifting than any specific weight.

  9. @ramjetpwr1
    @ramjetpwr1 says:

    Lulu and Barb…..thank you so much for posting the weekly meeting on YouTube. I’m unable to join in the live meetings. Just listening will help me get and stay motivated. Thank you so much and Bless you! ❤

  10. @nancylagoyda5337
    @nancylagoyda5337 says:

    I love that you record the meeting. I have a hard time joining you on Thursdays. Lulu, you are still an inspiration for me. Staying on track, I’m doing it for my health and I know it’s just a new way of eating for the rest of my life. It’s not just about loosing weight.

  11. @joypaltiel7357
    @joypaltiel7357 says:

    I did not expect a meeting but it sure is very timely. 
    I worked the plan for 6 years religiously and then circumstances changed and it has been quite a few years that I have not. 
    With the health issues that are coming up for me now I think I need to get back on the plan.  
    Can you tell me where I can get a copy of the gray sheet? I'll do the rest.

  12. @brendahone2509
    @brendahone2509 says:

    Thank you so much for this site. Once you eat this way and feel so good you don't want to go back. For you that struggle perhaps you can look in the mirror and say to yourself daily…I love and approve of myself. The first week I did that it was so hard, in fact I cried. Now I say it each day and eat healthy and both serve me well. Good blessings to you all.

  13. @user-ch3gf4ln3t
    @user-ch3gf4ln3t says:

    I would like to say that 4 ounces of meat/animal protein would not include ribeye steak. So sometimes maybe you think you’re following the plan but you aren’t. The plan is intended to eat lean and clean.

  14. @grannypeacock1218
    @grannypeacock1218 says:

    I’m doing maintenance on Weight Watchers. It’s a challenge, but I’m pretty stable at my goal. I lost 90 pounds over about a year. It’s not the first time and for me maintenance is the challenge.
    Our plan is different but the philosophy is the same and I find this conversation very helpful


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